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Total results: 78

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Tablet ID Period Place Text Type Number of Glyphs
AD -134 270 Par Babylon Astronomical Diary 12
AD -105A 272 Par Babylon Astronomical Diary 32
AD -204C 286 Sel Babylon Astronomical Diary 15
AD -366A 289 Ach Babylon Astronomical Diary 24
AD -261B 293 Sel Babylon Astronomical Diary 8
AD -96A 314 Par Babylon Astronomical Diary 28
YBC 3765 309 nB Babylon Business contract (harrānu) 31
BCHP 18 39 Par Babylon Chronicle 141
BCHP 17 40 Sel Babylon Chronicle 62
BCHP 14 43 Sel Babylon Chronicle 27
BCHP 11 46 Sel Babylon Chronicle 51
BCHP 6 206 Sel Babylon Chronicle 17
BCHP 5 214 Sel Babylon Chronicle 30
Nbn 697 641 nB Babylon Gift 58
BM 30515 642 EnB Babylon Gift 38
BHLT 6 682 Ach Babylon Historical-literary 146
BM 78064 396 nB Babylon Jurisdiction 50
NBC 4513 142 nB Babylon Lease (urban real estate) 21
BM 87266 361 Ach Babylon Lease (urban real estate) 17
Camb 147 657 Ach Babylon Lease (urban real estate) 26
Cyr 231 671 Ach Babylon Lease (urban real estate) 17
BM 30270 677 Ach Babylon Lease contract 44
YOS 21 1 580 nB Babylon Letter 22
BM 78483 397 Ach Babylon Letter order 18
Achaemenid History XV n. 114 543 nB Babylon Prebend contract 9