AD -134 |

Place (Region) Babylon (Babylon)
Archive Esangila Astronomical Diaries
CDLI no.
Museum Number BM 34669+
Scribe n/a
Period | Year | Range Par | 135 | 135 - 1 (BC)
Babylonian Date SE 177
Comment to Date The assumption is that the AD was composed close to the events it describes.
Ductus normal
Text Type Astronomical Diary
Content Announcement concerning the appointment of a high official
Distinctive Protagonists Bagayāša

12 Glyphs

Sign: ITU
Reading: ITU
Context: ina SAG ITU
ID: 88d84d10-dcb0-4d42-a267-5121c4d8f246

Sign: SAG
Reading: SAG
Context: ina SAG ITU
ID: 805b6b1b-50d0-4276-9e8e-b17de7bc64b2

Sign: ME
Reading: me
Context: me
Note: PN
ID: cbeb9795-e6a3-4f87-83e7-0bd55cc9cff3

Sign: LU
Reading: lu
Context: I.Me-nu-pi-lu-su
Note: PN
ID: 57541db0-6b17-480c-b661-fca85aa9acf7

Sign: NA
Reading: na
Context: a-na
ID: aca75c6f-ca7d-46cf-83a2-2609eee9aabe

Sign: AD
Reading: ad
Context: ad
Note: ensuing signs broken off
ID: 19aea015-e546-4930-9135-f38986c2118d

Sign: A
Reading: a
Context: I.Ba-a-ga-a-a-šá
Note: PN; first 'a'
ID: 1805b1c5-1000-46ef-87b9-67fb856cc04f

Sign: GA
Reading: ga
Context: I.Ba-a-ga-a-a-šá
Note: PN
ID: 705caf7e-bc22-4404-abdf-e1f00be02756

Sign: BA
Reading: ba
Context: baI.Ba-a-ga-a-a-šá
Note: PN
ID: cb84faf5-70e4-43b4-ba7a-f3eee125561a

Sign: Ú
Reading: ú
Context: mun-nu-ú
ID: 1d98d728-edb6-41af-b581-cca707fa06e7

Sign: DAR
Reading: tár
Context: KUŠ.šá-tár.MEŠ
ID: 139c75f9-96bd-4160-8ed8-095157a5da3d

Sign: SU
Reading: KUŠ
Context: KUŠ.šá-tár.MEŠ
ID: ff87e63e-e65b-45c3-889a-0f5308af6a74