BM 30515 |

Place (Region) Babylon (Babylon)
Archive Egibi/Nūr-Sîn None
CDLI no.
NABUCCO no. 7561
Museum Number BM 30515
Scribe Nabû-aplu-iddin/Marduk-bēl-zēri//MU-x
Period | Year | Range EnB | None | None - None (BC)
Babylonian Date Nbn15-XII-10
Comment to Date
Text Type Gift
Content Marduk-bāni-zēri/Etellu//Bēl-ēṭir allocates arable land located in Erasu (= village, town?, uncl.) to fBu’ītu, not including the 1/4 share of land that she owns together with her brother.
Distinctive Protagonists Marduk-bāni-zēri/Etellu//Bēl-ēṭir, fBu’ītu,
Bibliography BaAr 2, 33

38 Glyphs

Context: LÚ.SIMUG
Note: l.22
ID: cb271f50-3cc9-47be-aa1b-94556b80370c__bm-30515

Sign: MEŠ
Reading: MEŠ
Context: MU.MEŠ
Note: l.19
ID: ad6d6544-9e49-474c-9fe5-328329f1c340__bm-30515

Sign: MU
Reading: MU
Context: MU.MEŠ
Note: l.19
ID: f31787ef-1534-497f-b1c8-4d5148c1f3c0__bm-30515

Sign: DUB
Reading: DUB
Context: IM.DUB
Note: l.19
ID: 40ef8d10-1f1f-4e9a-825e-6c54aebee81d__bm-30515

Sign: KA
Reading: ka
Context: ka-nak
Note: l.19
ID: 0f352ff6-09a6-4286-ad91-d11dad54fb68__bm-30515

Sign: KAR
Reading: kar
Context: li-kar-ri
Note: l.17
ID: 2ba8c819-5f71-49ae-9430-d920aacea5fa__bm-30515

Sign: RI
Reading: ri
Context: li-kar-ri
Note: l.17
ID: b5400063-2a0f-41ee-a1ac-bc0f4ce97a07__bm-30515

Sign: TU
Reading: tu
Context: an-nu-ú-tu
Note: l.16
ID: 9abff0a5-a9bc-45b0-a79b-80094cc143ba__bm-30515

Sign: NU
Reading: nu
Context: an-nu-ú-tu
Note: l.16
ID: 954b6567-b85d-45d8-9b81-f4bb65d2a109__bm-30515

Sign: AN
Reading: an
Context: an-nu-ú-tu
Note: l.16
ID: a6ac9a30-5791-4a88-af71-7b94e341a6f6__bm-30515

Sign: ŠÚ
Reading: šú
Context: AD-šú
Note: l.15
ID: af5a23a6-44ed-4cc9-8d6c-90f3ff424208__bm-30515

Sign: AD
Reading: AD
Context: AD-šú
Note: l.15
ID: e3632d17-1d7d-4cf8-a734-4ebb81badc48__bm-30515

Sign: AMAR
Reading: AMAR
Note: l.15 (PN)
ID: 6723c058-bd8b-4088-9b73-71a8a517b07a__bm-30515

Sign: TUM
Reading: tu4
Context: ma-aṣ-ṣa-áš-tu4
Note: l.15
ID: d59a5f6c-afa4-4e63-9953-afe2d6c25886__bm-30515

Sign: ÁŠ
Reading: áš
Context: ma-aṣ-ṣa-áš-tu4
Note: l.15
ID: 25f9839b-dffe-433d-a1ee-931beec8e07f__bm-30515

Sign: ZA
Reading: ṣa
Context: ma-aṣ-ṣa-áš-tu4
Note: l.15
ID: 76529548-0227-4de7-8335-8c3a4a12f156__bm-30515

Sign: MA
Reading: ma
Context: ma-aṣ-ṣa-áš-tu4
Note: l.15
ID: 369f976b-713e-427f-8170-c07e71aec5a9__bm-30515

Sign: AS
Reading: aṣ
Context: ma-aṣ-ṣa-áš-tu4
Note: l.15
ID: 0262831e-4f09-497b-9746-bdccb318e05d__bm-30515

Sign: DI
Reading: ṭi
Context: ib-ṭi-il
Note: l.15
ID: f972be62-faf8-4288-8511-62f5b1749d7e__bm-30515

Sign: IB
Reading: ib
Context: ib-ṭi-il
Note: l.15
ID: 56e703b9-64b2-42f3-b515-6c5c9e684c1c__bm-30515

Sign: LA
Reading: la
Context: la
Note: l.15
ID: 50c6ef9f-b762-4e76-b986-cb68a996832b__bm-30515

Sign: NA
Reading: na
Context: a-na
Note: l.14
ID: f4a6b8d1-03ce-496f-a934-433101374257__bm-30515

Sign: IL
Reading: il
Context: il-ki
Note: l.14
ID: 316230b5-4e4f-4505-8fca-1d8b0b9a8532__bm-30515

Sign: IM
Reading: IM
Context: IM.4
Note: l.6
ID: 0654351d-e374-422c-bd95-d119c84567f5__bm-30515

Sign: TA
Reading: TA
Context: KI.TA
Note: l.6
ID: d81221a7-f104-4089-8619-bb39d5679052__bm-30515

Sign: KI
Reading: KI
Context: KI.TA
Note: l.6
ID: 9db15d81-0168-465c-82ce-1534db45ff05__bm-30515

Sign: UD
Reading: ut
Context: pu-ut
Note: l.5
ID: 04f790ac-5ce4-4c5b-bd0f-259ba2be2f40__bm-30515

Sign: BU
Reading: pu
Context: pu-ut
Note: l.5
ID: 3b7dde89-13b5-41de-8a9e-3cd4b8aad8a7__bm-30515

Sign: ŠI
Reading: IGI
Context: IGI
Note: l.5
ID: 9804eba8-1889-41e6-be0e-e9024def8f42__bm-30515

Sign: NI
Reading: Ì
Context: LÚ.Ì.SUR
Note: l.5
ID: 1ec810db-82fd-4fea-86c4-3a2018fcb494__bm-30515

Sign: ŠU
Reading: ŠU
Context: ŠU.II
Note: l.4
ID: 1b663db1-cc1e-4657-acd9-df00001cc126__bm-30515

Sign: DU
Reading: du
Context: di-in-du
Note: l.3
ID: b317581c-9795-42e8-882b-e12a74a3e876__bm-30515

Sign: IN
Reading: in
Context: di-in-du
Note: l.3
ID: e001b2fe-263d-4390-abd4-ca0d99114e43__bm-30515

Sign: RA
Reading: ra
Context: URU.É-ra-ah-'-e
Note: l.2 (GN)
ID: 85e2f6aa-d77a-4ff8-833f-e1840fdaad42__bm-30515

Sign: É
Reading: É
Context: URU.É-ra-ah-'-e
Note: l.2 (GN)
ID: 04d2906e-ec7d-43cf-81a4-bc2ceb96366c__bm-30515

Sign: URU
Reading: URU
Context: URU.É-ra-ah-'-e
Note: l.2 (GN)
ID: d8adc8e6-0a63-44a9-a6da-70662e96c580__bm-30515

Reading: NUMUN
Context: ŠE.NUMUN
Note: l.2
ID: 1c831dfd-f34b-4418-b37b-0a591880c1be__bm-30515

Sign: ŠE
Reading: še
Context: še.numun
Note: l.2
ID: d9021bb0-4810-4081-be86-18dd8cd54257__bm-30515