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Total results: 60

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Tablet ID Period Place Text Type Number of Glyphs
NBC 6170 262 Ach Til-gubbi Promissory note 10
BM 92995 389 Ach Babylon Promissory note 55
BM 29086 402 EnB Dilbat Promissory note 29
BM 114801 345 nB Receipt 31
Nbn 1016 490 nB Sippar Receipt 9
Achaemenid History XV n. 44 505 Borsippa Receipt 9
Achaemenid History XV n. 55 515 Borsippa Receipt 4
LM 3 663 nB Receipt 3
BM 64119 494 nB Sippar Work contract 19
Nbk 342 667 nB memorandum 8