Nbk 342 |

Place (Region) (Babylon)
Archive Egibi/Nūr-Sîn None
CDLI no.
NABUCCO no. 7109
Museum Number BM 30471
Period | Year | Range nB | 566 | None - None (BC)
Babylonian Date Nbk 39-I-16
Comment to Date
Text Type memorandum
Content memorandum (tahsistu) listing the names of 4 witnesses for a guaranty not leave a certain place
Distinctive Protagonists (f)Silim-Ištar(/Kurigalzu//Ša-nāšišu), Lâbāši/Zeria//Nabāya
Bibliography Wunsch 1993 No. 29

8 Glyphs

Sign: DU
Reading: DU
Context: I.d+AG-NÍG.DU-ÙRU
Note: l.11 (pn)
ID: 755579de-70f5-47f8-90d5-76bbed931642__nbk-342

Sign: KAM
Reading: KAM
Context: UD.26.KAM
Note: l.10
ID: 934b98f7-1eff-476e-bab0-23175acb8f6b__nbk-342

Sign: UD
Reading: UD
Context: UD.26.KAM
Note: l.10
ID: 0da59d55-c72a-4eb6-8f7b-1c47a5a1caa8__nbk-342

Sign: BÁRA
Reading: BÁR
Context: ITI.BÁR
Note: l.10 *(MN)
ID: 966c098e-9e47-4901-a6e7-11fa136a19de__nbk-342

Sign: TA
Reading: TA
Context: LÚ.KIN.GI4.TA
Note: l.9
ID: 277c40db-b54c-4219-9c3d-8cbfeced61e2__nbk-342

Sign: KIN
Reading: KIN
Context: LÚ.KIN.GI4.TA
Note: l.9
ID: bce4dfaf-779e-497a-89da-f9b12aa98cbe__nbk-342

Sign: TIK
Context: LÚ.GÚ.GAL
Note: l.9
ID: 706f10cf-de58-4413-81b7-c9d95ce7f9e0__nbk-342

Context: LÚ.GÚ.GAL
Note: l.9
ID: cf33cccd-6348-4189-97f0-82ad00b1a094__nbk-342