BM 64119 |

Place (Region) Sippar (Sippar)
Archive Adad-šamê None
CDLI no.
Museum Number
Period | Year | Range nB | None | 574 - 1 (BC)
Babylonian Date
Comment to Date Based on the known dates of the main protagonist, Bēl-ušallim/Nabû-ušabši//Adad-šamê, 31 Nbk - 1 Ner (574- 558)
Text Type Work contract
Content A man hires a worker from his parents
Distinctive Protagonists Bēl-ušallim/Nabû-ušabši//Adad-šamê

19 Glyphs

Sign: A'
Reading: u'
Context: uš-šá-zi-zu-u’
Note: l.6
ID: 274704ae-046d-4566-a765-8f5807ccdf19__bm-64119

Sign: ZU
Reading: zu
Context: uš-šá-zi-zu-u’
Note: l.6
ID: a08c753a-509e-41a0-a4a9-40e655140484__bm-64119

Sign: ZI
Reading: zi
Context: uš-šá-zi-zu-u’
Note: l.6
ID: c11bdd7d-264f-4cc4-b302-5724100ab1a1__bm-64119

Sign: E
Reading: e
Context: I.d.IM-šam-me-e
Note: PN (l.5)
ID: 20b02a71-8ee4-47b9-9b67-aed583bc4191__bm-64119

Sign: ME
Reading: me
Context: I.d.IM-šam-me-e
Note: PN (l.5)
ID: 9743afe7-95da-44cd-9fd3-254dc2554d1e__bm-64119

Sign: Ú
Reading: šam
Context: I.d.IM-šam-me-e
Note: PN (l.5)
ID: c0a0213f-f3b7-44dd-b973-dc4fc8580cca__bm-64119

Sign: IM
Reading: IM
Context: I.d.IM-šam-me-e
Note: PN (l.5)
ID: f76d1aa8-9022-42f1-acc1-c5b6faa37d2f__bm-64119

Sign: GI
Reading: GI
Context: I.d.EN-GI
Note: PN (l.4)
ID: 9b505d67-cf14-4f20-bbc4-ba4d9e3f98e5__bm-64119

Sign: EN
Reading: EN
Context: I.d.EN-GI
Note: PN (l.4)
ID: 201e556b-270d-4002-a5ba-02e496a362eb__bm-64119

Sign: ŠI
Reading: IGI
Context: IGI
Note: l.4
ID: 6b494902-c2b8-4298-8a64-120cd57ba9e1__bm-64119

Sign: ŠÚ
Reading: šú
Context: i-di-šú
Note: l.4
ID: 9ae2d7c2-c504-4ff9-9bf0-67f201f6166e__bm-64119

Sign: DI
Reading: di
Context: i-di-šú
Note: l.4
ID: a3292dd0-0bcd-46ca-81ab-d598518add16__bm-64119

Sign: I
Reading: i
Context: i-di-šú
Note: l.4
ID: 3eb95ff0-25b6-40ac-9bd8-9b6c6c213a08__bm-64119

Sign: AN
Reading: AN
Context: MU.AN.NA
Note: l.3
ID: 8d937246-65f3-4d00-a6eb-eebaa5fc495e__bm-64119

Sign: MU
Reading: MU
Context: MU.AN.NA
Note: l.3
ID: 17b6cccb-cfcf-4f0f-b879-590f2ee56dea__bm-64119

Sign: ŠÀ
Reading: lìb
Context: lìb-bi-šú
Note: l.2
ID: d131c533-f49b-4f4d-a718-8adbb79942bc__bm-64119

Sign: DU
Reading: du
Context: hu-ud-du
Note: l.2
ID: 13547a99-85e2-4d26-b618-86ca8ad6fd5d__bm-64119

Sign: UD
Reading: ud
Context: hu-ud-du
Note: l.2
ID: aab20cc4-ed45-4477-a51d-5ee490404dc0__bm-64119

Sign: HU
Reading: hu
Context: hu-ud-du
Note: l.2
ID: b838cafd-8df5-4098-afd8-efabea5a501c__bm-64119