Nbn 1016 |

Place (Region) Sippar (Sippar)
Archive Adad-šamê None
CDLI no.
Museum Number BM 74838
Period | Year | Range nB | 539 | 539 - 539 (BC)
Babylonian Date Nbn23-XII-16
Comment to Date
Text Type Receipt
Content receipt for vats and raisins given to teh Ebabbar
Distinctive Protagonists Arad-Bēl/Bēl-ušallim
Bibliography Bongenaar 2000: 86

9 Glyphs

Sign: PAD
Reading: pat
Context: šap-pat
Note: l.1
ID: 0d194234-bf6a-4a5a-b37d-70da0372e974__nbn-1016

Sign: RA
Reading: RA
Context: É.BABBAR.RA
Note: l.3
ID: aacfb3f5-0655-4dd6-9833-2dd5db256a98__nbn-1016

Sign: É
Reading: É
Context: É.BABBAR.RA
Note: l.3
ID: 1212c400-836c-45c9-ae3d-0c3293ffd1e9__nbn-1016

Sign: ARAD
Reading: ÌR
Context: I.ÌR-d.EN
Note: PN (l.2)
ID: 7899534d-2da9-4d97-bcff-f1720d85b399__nbn-1016

Sign: GI
Reading: GI
Context: I.d.EN-GI
Note: PN (l.3)
ID: 040f31fc-6da1-45ca-a37f-46670ed97add__nbn-1016

Sign: TA
Reading: ta
Context: it-ta-din
Note: l.4
ID: 7e1398f4-059d-4881-a248-53325a62dac5__nbn-1016

Sign: ID
Reading: it
Context: it-ta-din
Note: l.4
ID: e29a9025-688e-43a4-85a2-857a20b1df3c__nbn-1016

Sign: GUR
Reading: GUR
Context: GUR
Note: l.2
ID: 4b38f2c2-7556-4e41-b79a-959dfd636c36__nbn-1016

Sign: Ù
Reading: ù
Context: ù
Note: l.2
ID: 61da0f75-e998-4879-b39c-a5c9eef78f74__nbn-1016