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Total results: 667

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Tablet ID Period Place Text Type Number of Glyphs
BRM 2 13 18 Sel Uruk Sale of a prebend 16
BRM 2 11 20 Sel Uruk Sale of a prebend 18
YOS 20 24 58 Sel Uruk Sale of a prebend 31
YOS 20 37 131 Sel Uruk Sale of a prebend 13
Achaemenid History XV no. 4 179 nB Borsippa Sale of a prebend 11
Achaemenid History XV no. 2 250 Ach Borsippa Sale of a prebend 10
Achaemenid History XV no. 21 261 Ach Borsippa Sale of a prebend 38
BRM 2 46 266 Sel Uruk Sale of a prebend 37
BRM 2 40 269 Sel Uruk Sale of a prebend 15
BM 113929 399 EnB Ninâ Sale of a prebend 57
Achaemenid History XV n. 72 524 EnB Borsippa Sale of a prebend 10
Achaemenid History XV n. 75 525 Ach Borsippa Sale of a prebend 17
Achaemenid History XV n. 128 552 Ach Borsippa Sale of a prebend 4
PTS 2253 83 nB Uruk Royal inscription (Copy) 16
Achaemenid History XV n. 67 523 nB Borsippa Royal inscription (Copy) 24
YOS 9 82 192 EnB n/a Royal inscription 33
Ner 29 418 nB Sippar Rental agreement (house) 35
BE 9 26 19 Ach omitted Rental agreement (fields/orchards) 10
BM 42371 51 Ach Rental agreement (fields/orchards) 3
YBC 3527 64 nB Larsa Rental agreement (fields/orchards) 24
BM 87228 109 Ach (Babylon) Rental agreement (fields/orchards) 23
EE 3 207 Ach Nippur Rental agreement (fields/orchards) 4
YOS 21 207 274 Ach Nâru-eššu Rental agreement (fields/orchards) 41
NBC 6114 308 Ach Nippur Rental agreement (fields/orchards) 44
YBC 9448 340 nB Til-Agurrēti (šīhu ša Bēltu-ša-Uruk) Rental agreement (fields/orchards) 27