Ner 29 |

Place (Region) Sippar (Sippar)
Archive Adad-šamê None
CDLI no.
Museum Number BM 63932
Scribe Aplāya/Nabû-šumu-iškun
Period | Year | Range nB | 558 | 558 - 558 (BC)
Babylonian Date Ner20-X-01
Comment to Date None
Text Type Rental agreement (house)
Content Rent of a room in a house. Yearly rent of 1 3/4š silver in two payments.
Distinctive Protagonists
Bibliography Bongenaar, Private Archives in Neo-Babylonian Sippar and Their Institutional Connections, 2000: 88; Baker, H. the meaning of ṭuppi, 2010: 138; Koschaker, Bürgschaftsrecht, 1911 : 199.

35 Glyphs

Sign: AMAR
Reading: ṣur
Context: d.U.GUR-LUGAL-ú-ṣur
Note: RN (l.15)
ID: 8143f3f2-0d13-429b-ae1e-0493d6323e4d__ner-29

Sign: AB
Reading: AB
Context: ITI.AB
Note: MN (l.14)
ID: 1d279477-00b2-4cc1-9fa4-9156019e692e__ner-29

Sign: ITU
Reading: ITI
Context: ITI.AB
Note: MN (l.14)
ID: cc399676-3ff4-4d7e-beb5-e395944d86f7__ner-29

Sign: KI
Reading: KI
Context: UD.KIB.NUN.KI
Note: GN (l.14)
ID: 95448fc1-e5eb-44b8-97b1-34415f5c73be__ner-29

Context: LÚ.BÁHAR
Note: l.12
ID: 4129a961-8d78-4d6c-a6f2-d3d9d6e924f2__ner-29

Sign: MUD
Reading: mut
Context: I.ri-mut
Note: PN (l.11)
ID: 1f859d2c-922b-4f0b-b9b1-0cf28dc89df0__ner-29

Sign: EN
Reading: EN
Context: I.d.EN-GI
Note: PN (l.10)
ID: 489768fe-3f79-408a-8bbf-110ec4f584b2__ner-29

Context: re-eš
Note: l.8
ID: fecbca3e-7b81-4621-b6ba-044b5861caf7__ner-29

Sign: MI
Reading: mi
Context: mi-šil
Note: l.8
ID: 4351819d-2366-4da3-9703-1cb703b98867__ner-29

Sign: RI
Reading: ri
Context: ú-ri
Note: l.7
ID: b10f3062-16ac-43f9-b4e7-058383dd9fba__ner-29

Sign: Ú
Reading: ú
Context: ú-ri
Note: l.7
ID: 4e2885aa-be2d-4d68-b889-c057ed90fca2__ner-29

Sign: TA
Reading: ta
Context: ta-šá-ni
Note: l.7
ID: 81efc9ec-fa07-497d-befd-c36e9c56bc6f__ner-29

Context: KÙ.BABBAR
Note: l.6
ID: b052a9c9-4455-495a-8975-445868bfd944__ner-29

Sign: LAL
Reading: LAL
Context: LAL-ṭi
Note: l.6
ID: 9b3c5af3-b3b5-46da-bbe6-f996208264bb__ner-29

Sign: I
Reading: i
Context: i-pu-uš
Note: l.2
ID: 05a8f438-ef6e-4c81-847d-a8d27e75019b__ner-29

Sign: MEŠ
Reading: MEŠ
Context: I.d.AG-EN-MU.MEŠ
Note: PN (l.2)
ID: 0bc2fa70-061a-4e09-a81d-21b453e022c4__ner-29

Sign: ṬU
Reading: GÍN
Context: GÍN
Note: l.6
ID: 2555c3f0-5eff-49dc-938c-8ff07f110102__ner-29

Sign: MU
Reading: MU
Context: MU.AN.NA
Note: l.6
ID: 99f283a3-da4f-4888-8578-3a8f1142686c__ner-29

Sign: DUB
Reading: ṭup
Context: ṭup-pi
Note: l.5
ID: c2d78b33-bb4a-45d8-b66d-d5a3d23bc8c0__ner-29

Sign: DI
Reading: di
Context: a-di
Note: l.5
ID: e64f9929-55ac-4926-b346-ebedcf5fa34f__ner-29

Sign: TU
Reading: tu
Context: áš-šu-bu-tu
Note: l.5
ID: e5978d91-fdd1-4189-92ad-843a7d0efe69__ner-29

Sign: BU
Reading: bu
Context: áš-šu-bu-tu
Note: l.5
ID: 1ddf078a-eb97-49d9-8a0a-e3c9f50fb134__ner-29

Sign: ÁŠ
Reading: áš
Context: áš-šu-bu-tu
Note: l.5
ID: 464312cf-d18c-409e-91c5-41695ce189fc__ner-29

Sign: ŠU
Reading: šu
Context: áš-šu-bu-tu
Note: l.5
ID: 4544f254-5ba6-483c-a0e0-1698f074fa89__ner-29

Sign: DUMU
Reading: DUMU
Context: DUMU.SAL-su
Note: l.4
ID: 6a32e738-b8fd-44b8-8b98-910bd3933293__ner-29

Sign: TI
Reading: ti
Context: MÍ.šik-ku-ti
Note: fPN (l.4)
ID: 7684e21b-d9e4-4af4-9416-6fbd56df2589__ner-29

Sign: KU
Reading: ku
Context: MÍ.šik-ku-ti
Note: fPN (L.4)
ID: 44fb00ee-8f3a-48f7-8085-3800958b3c4f__ner-29

Sign: SIG
Reading: šik
Context: MÍ.šik-ku-ti
Note: fPN (l.4)
ID: db09923a-7122-4e1a-9262-92c2ea243a8d__ner-29

Sign: RA
Reading: RA
Context: É TU15.KUR.RA
Note: l.3
ID: 1c614ec4-ae3e-4d72-b190-4b8662d9f009__ner-29

Sign: KUR
Reading: KUR
Context: É TU15.KUR.RA
Note: l.3
ID: eb68cde2-eb31-47ae-b7b1-d84a1d1c451a__ner-29

Sign: IM
Reading: TU15
Context: É TU15.KUR.RA
Note: l,3
ID: 8ac6463e-59ae-4cf1-95a3-e6f96dfd3150__ner-29

Sign: MEŠ
Reading: MEŠ
Context: GI.MEŠ
Note: l.2
ID: 729dd23a-bf83-43d9-90b8-7dccd495738e__ner-29

Sign: GI
Reading: GI
Context: GI.MEŠ
Note: l.2
ID: 8c13235c-fc32-4efe-83f3-7d5b22901bc2__ner-29

Sign: MU
Reading: MU
Context: I.d.AG-MU-DU
Note: PN (l.1)
ID: bf9ec2c7-6ef6-4b1c-ad4d-ebc0a463eba5__ner-29

Sign: É
Reading: É
Context: É
Note: l.1
ID: 0bd96fab-04f8-4452-8791-d560d95f65df__ner-29