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Total results: 30

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Tablet ID Period Place Text Type Number of Glyphs
BM 42353 88 Ach Babylon 4
BM 42556 114 Ach Gift 8
BM 42336 133 Ach Gift 13
BM 42348 279 Ach Gift 25
BM 42571 80 Ach Jurisdiction 11
BM 42415 194 Ach Jurisdiction 15
BM 42299 321 Ach Jurisdiction 10
BM 42332 136 Ach Lease contract 8
BM 42408 208 Ach Prebend contract 17
BM 42383 29 Ach Babylon Promissory note 12
BM 79103 30 Ach Promissory note 14
BM 42563 95 Ach Promissory note 2
BM 42555 115 Ach Promissory note 5
BM 42369 180 Ach Promissory note 9
BM 42609+ 258 Ach Promissory note 13
BM 42436 265 Ach Promissory note 10
BM 42356+ 45 Ach Receipt 9
BM 42364 69 Ach Receipt 11
BM 42567 94 Ach Receipt 7
BM 42400 215 Ach Til-gubbi Receipt 2
BM 42568 244 Ach Babylon Receipt 12
BM 42368+ 285 Ach Receipt 13
BM 42371 51 Ach Rental agreement (fields/orchards) 3
BM 42340 111 nB Sale of urban real estate 28
BM 42365 68 Ach Work contract 7