BM 42555 |

Place (Region) (Sippar)
Archive Bēl-rēmanni
CDLI no.
Museum Number BM 42555 (duplicate: BM 79103)
Scribe Nergal-ēṭir/Lābâši//Nannûtu
Period | Year | Range Ach | 499 | 499 - 499 (BC)
Babylonian Date Dar22XIIb-07
Comment to Date None
Ductus normal
Text Type Promissory note
Content 65 kurru of dates plus interest - duplicate to BM 79103
Distinctive Protagonists

5 Glyphs

Sign: UD
Reading: UTU
Context: I.da-d.AMAR.UTU
Note: PN
ID: 5370b818-afcc-4103-b1a2-cfab1a72cd9c

Sign: SU
Reading: su
Context: I.d.E[N]-bul-liṭ-su
Note: PN
ID: 5bcaa8df-2f81-48de-9bc5-6b9480790e1f

Sign: Ù
Reading: ù
Context: 1+šu+5 gur ù ur5.ra-šú-nu
ID: be7a1b12-a12c-4f8b-85bc-d7d03612f65d

Sign: RA
Reading: RA
Context: UR5.RA-šú-nu
ID: b16686c9-c616-4010-91cf-addbb42f7e1d

Sign: SI
Reading: SI
Context: I.d.UTU-MU-SI.SÁ
Note: PN
ID: 016c2412-1dae-49aa-8a14-c7cac97e0fe3