Nbn 443 |

Place (Region) Babylon (Babylon)
Archive Egibi/Nūr-Sîn None
CDLI no.
Museum Number BM 30319
Scribe Nabû-bāni-ahi/Marduk-nāṣir/Mudammiq-Adad
Period | Year | Range nB | 546 | None - None (BC)
Babylonian Date Nbn 10-VII-20
Comment to Date
Text Type Promissory note
Content promissory note for silver, with interest and a slave as pledge
Distinctive Protagonists ltti-Marduk-balāṭu/Nabû-ahhē-iddin//Egibi
Bibliography Wunsch 1993 No. 178

9 Glyphs

Sign: BA
Reading: BA
Context: I.BA-šá-d.AMAR.UTU
Note: l.8 (pn)
ID: 6b441a00-07d3-4cd6-b6b2-b87fdadc458c__nbn-443

Sign: ŠÁ
Reading: šá
Context: A-šú šá
Note: l.7
ID: 7eac66fd-9468-4317-bcc4-40a26f5adcd4__nbn-443

Sign: UD
Reading: UTU
Context: I.MU-d.AMAR.UTU
Note: l.7 (pn)
ID: abc4059f-7ad0-4049-afba-ed4c198ff9bd__nbn-443

Sign: AMAR
Reading: AMAR
Context: I.MU-d.AMAR.UTU
Note: l.7 (pn)
ID: bf68f5dd-443d-4e5d-8c4d-24d3042610ba__nbn-443

Sign: MU
Reading: MU
Context: I.MU-d.AMAR.UTU
Note: l.7 (pn)
ID: 62a22646-e1c3-480e-920d-ec3fc9c27fd3__nbn-443

Sign: ŠÚ
Reading: šú
Context: LÚ.qal-la-šú
Note: l.6
ID: 65756122-5fa4-4d75-a640-e4ede69202f8__nbn-443

Sign: LA
Reading: la
Context: LÚ.qal-la-šú
Note: l.6
ID: 05b82464-4274-488d-b444-e6c172331fd3__nbn-443

Sign: GAL
Reading: qal
Context: LÚ.qal-la-šú
Note: l.6
ID: a5bfd665-b992-459e-861a-d344e0c7dc55__nbn-443

Context: LÚ.qal-la-šú
Note: l.6
ID: dd1098b4-e637-46ae-bd98-b3b6a5593c80__nbn-443