Nbk 402 |

Place (Region) (Babylon)
Archive Egibi/Nūr-Sîn None
CDLI no.
NABUCCO no. 7274
Museum Number BM 30276
Period | Year | Range nB | 563 | None - None (BC)
Babylonian Date Nbk 42-VIII-10
Comment to Date
Text Type Business contract (harrānu)
Content List of expenses, wich ar epart of a harrānu partnership.
Distinctive Protagonists Iddin-Marduk(/Iqīšāya//Nūr-Sîn), Nabû-ušallim (//Īnia), Lūṣi-ana-nūri, Karêa
Bibliography Wunsch 1993 No. 47

32 Glyphs

Sign: RI
Reading: re
Context: gi-re-e
Note: l.16
ID: cd88685f-a2ca-4511-8271-2deb7d8bce14__nbk-402

Sign: KI
Reading: KI
Context: KI.MIN
Note: l.16
ID: af436bf7-edde-4e5d-89d3-648d412a88ef__nbk-402

Sign: LI
Reading: li
Context: li-pi
Note: l.14
ID: 241db41e-ac22-49ea-81eb-9d6040b29b52__nbk-402

Sign: Ú
Reading: ú
Context: KUŠ.nu-ú-ṭu
Note: l.13
ID: 239aea4e-7f64-4448-8b99-8e00ad3d9939__nbk-402

Sign: NU
Reading: nu
Context: KUŠ.nu-ú-ṭu
Note: l.13
ID: cc4744d8-b7f5-431a-abea-7e313e1e9bef__nbk-402

Sign: ŠI
Reading: IGI
Context: I.IGI-ni-iá
Note: l.10 (pn)
ID: 1758cebc-6e65-4a27-bc37-5121c493b586__nbk-402

Sign: É
Reading: É
Context: É PN
Note: l.10
ID: 6b9720d5-a88c-4850-88ff-eea019cfffa0__nbk-402

Sign: TU
Reading: tu
Context: ul-tu
Note: l.9
ID: bce3e625-027b-46de-94e2-65cd3c0d9ea0__nbk-402

Sign: UL
Reading: ul
Context: ul-tu
Note: l.9
ID: 602a1108-ea30-46cf-b6a9-219992bf38e2__nbk-402

Sign: ṬU
Reading: GÍN
Context: 15 GÍN KÙ.BABBAR
Note: l.9
ID: 63ed8977-1cda-4332-af89-cf0bee6a5639__nbk-402

Sign: GI
Reading: GI
Context: I.d+AG-GI
Note: l.7 (pn)
ID: b6e6d0ec-76ff-4587-93c5-26bfabd17164__nbk-402

Sign: AG
Reading: d+AG
Context: I.d+AG-GI
Note: l.7 (pn)
ID: 7a30dd8d-d947-4585-8051-95268925731a__nbk-402

Sign: AS
Reading: as
Context: na-as-hu
Note: l.6
ID: 5e3ebc4e-3ef7-4815-95c9-68cab1c38e37__nbk-402

Sign: AB
Reading: AB
Context: ITI.AB
Note: l.6 (MN)
ID: d1740ada-5bde-4070-916f-99043a99cb4e__nbk-402

Sign: NI
Reading: ni
Context: ni-is-hu-tu4
Note: l.5
ID: b4172c88-9c9e-4e95-ab1c-25e72dee7a4a__nbk-402

Sign: UD
Reading: BABBAR
Context: KÙ.BABBAR
Note: l.5
ID: f0884054-ef84-41a6-b925-0deab17be476__nbk-402

Context: KÙ.BABBAR
Note: l.5
ID: f90bfef7-7286-42e8-8413-86e7372ac0ea__nbk-402

Sign: NA
Reading: NA
Context: MA.NA
Note: l.5
ID: 68c5f24e-1b9f-4fa3-8925-0d958067b94f__nbk-402

Sign: MA
Reading: MA
Context: MA.NA
Note: l.5
ID: 43d3b28a-aec8-48d1-af76-e63cdb8b90bf__nbk-402

Sign: TUM
Reading: tu4
Context: ni-ia-hu-tu4
Note: l.4
ID: 2fa2c0fa-fca2-49ec-b43a-b4afb37801bf__nbk-402

Sign: HU
Reading: hu
Context: ni-ia-hu-tu4
Note: l.4
ID: 36994ae8-296a-4dee-b875-7e24c38a8034__nbk-402

Sign: IS
Reading: is
Context: ni-ia-hu-tu4
Note: l.4
ID: bc48a64d-2a48-4a90-be57-8c22f3c58ce2__nbk-402

Sign: KAM
Reading: KAM
Context: MU.40.KAM
Note: l.1
ID: 0f3a196f-e169-4019-bf0c-5c6f1c5b2a95__nbk-402

Sign: MU
Reading: MU
Context: MU.42.KAM
Note: l.3
ID: 73a713d2-acd8-4f1b-8516-15eb06cdb6b2__nbk-402

Sign: APIN
Reading: APIN
Context: ITI.APIN
Note: l.3 (MN)
ID: fe943974-f0f4-4c32-a5fe-16a3cfce2e58__nbk-402

Sign: ITU
Reading: ITI
Context: IIT.APIN
Note: l.3 (MN)
ID: 4baa5013-4969-49bb-b100-39ce53ad4e36__nbk-402

Sign: HI
Reading: hi
Context: muh-hi
Note: l.3
ID: a464fe3e-7174-47fa-863b-7f348ceb6f81__nbk-402

Sign: UGU
Reading: muh
Context: muh-hi
Note: l.3
ID: 73bc4aaf-cede-4ab1-ad4b-1522e44d7b11__nbk-402

Sign: DI
Reading: di
Context: a-di
Note: l.3
ID: f1cb24d8-6141-4824-9a38-76707629c02a__nbk-402

Sign: TIR
Reading: TIR
Context: TIN.TIR.KI
Note: l.2 (GN)
ID: cc808a6d-ef6e-40b2-99e9-64be195895bb__nbk-402

Sign: DIN
Reading: TIN
Context: TIN.TIR.KI
Note: l.2 (GN)
ID: e8755f1e-c3d9-4de9-be28-49eb505cde28__nbk-402

Reading: LUGAL
Note: l.2
ID: c4693c29-db97-4d87-83a2-ac2fc1277398__nbk-402