YOS 21 47 |

Place (Region) Uruk (Uruk)
Archive Eanna None
CDLI no. P297814
Museum Number NBC 4792
Scribe Marduk-erība (šākin ṭēmi of Uruk)
Period | Year | Range nB | 583 | 587 - 578 (BC)
Babylonian Date
Comment to Date The time frame (17-26 Nbk) is based on Marduk-erība’s term as šākin ṭēmi. The year 583 was chosen at random as it lies at the mid-point of this timeframe.
Text Type Letter order
Content Letter order: Marduk-erība orders Innin-zēru-ibni to receive silver from Arad-Innin/Nādin and from Nabû-aplu-iddin/Nabû-gāmil and his brother.
Distinctive Protagonists Marduk-erība, Innin-zēru-ibni, Arad-Innin/Nādin, Nabû-aplu-iddin/Nabû-gāmil
Bibliography Levavi, AOAT 414/2

7 Glyphs

Sign: ŠÚ
Reading: šú
Context: ŠEŠ-šú
Note: l.8
ID: 58c2a5b3-4a00-49c8-96a2-8a458097b497__yos-21-47

Sign: U
Reading: u
Context: u
Note: l.8
ID: 2d285b2a-afec-450b-8c3f-6208a817f199__yos-21-47

Sign: ŠEŠ
Reading: ŠEŠ
Context: ŠEŠ-šú
Note: l.8
ID: 75cca5e2-79a3-45c3-9316-13b82c7d5591__yos-21-47

Sign: MU
Reading: MU
Context: I.d.AG-A-MU
Note: PN (l.7)
ID: 4398399f-6d96-41d3-ad16-66db23415f4a__yos-21-47

Sign: A
Reading: A
Context: I.d.AG-A-MU
Note: PN (l.7)
ID: 0248ea76-44ca-4764-bafd-42f5d0db32cb__yos-21-47

Sign: AG
Reading: AG
Context: I.d.AG-A-MU
Note: PN (l.7)
ID: fa39439d-bb78-4eff-b590-13c535cbf877__yos-21-47

Sign: HAR
Reading: hur
Context: mu-hur
Note: l.6
ID: 81cd238b-8446-4c52-a8a7-4534fd692f72__yos-21-47