YOS 3 128 |

Place (Region) Uruk (Uruk)
Archive Eanna None
CDLI no. P309669
Museum Number YBC 8870
Scribe Šūzubu (Eanna archive)
Period | Year | Range nB | 594 | 601 - 585 (BC)
Babylonian Date
Comment to Date The time frame (4-19 Nbk) is based on Nabû-ahhē-iddin’s term as šatammu. The year 594was chosen at random as it lies at the mid-point of the possible time range.
Text Type Letter
Content Šūzubu complains before Nabû-ahhē-iddin that Nanāya-ahu-iddin is withholding barley.
Distinctive Protagonists Nabû-ahhē-iddin
Bibliography Levavi, AOAT 414/2

22 Glyphs

Sign: MA
Reading: ma
Context: tal-lik-kám-am-ma
Note: l.19
ID: 5279fc05-1220-49d6-8a55-ae7539bc47ae__yos-3-128

Sign: AM
Reading: am
Context: tal-lik-kám-am-ma
Note: l.19
ID: b9694b6e-2344-4654-aa50-5b38d4b5e7e8__yos-3-128

Sign: NI
Reading: ni
Context: lid-din-ni
Note: l.20
ID: 578b4c60-dfa0-4915-8472-d8959527398e__yos-3-128

Sign: ÁB
Reading: lid
Context: lid-din-ni
Note: l.20
ID: d36ffccb-03ee-453e-9549-64b44877fc49__yos-3-128

Sign: ŠEŠ
Reading: ŠEŠ
Context: I.d.na-na-a-ŠEŠ-MU
Note: PN (l.7)
ID: 34d085fa-f0a6-415d-a859-a80faa96f8a4__yos-3-128

Sign: EN
Reading: en
Context: en-na
Note: l.16
ID: c64513e3-d83a-40dd-9ea3-02f65d55b9e2__yos-3-128

Sign: ŠE
Reading: ŠE
Context: ŠE.BAR
Note: l.15
ID: 06ab2470-b88a-436d-9129-f76a1dcbf957__yos-3-128

Sign: NA
Reading: na
Context: a-na
Note: l.12
ID: 31e84ede-9deb-4589-a56e-99f2cd4ad849__yos-3-128

Sign: A
Reading: a
Context: a-na
Note: l.12
ID: 9bccfa88-3f41-4175-88ca-831f6fb3b711__yos-3-128

Sign: ID
Reading: id
Context: id-din-nu
Note: l.11
ID: 8c9d5820-b4d9-4ebd-ab5d-12a3f25394f5__yos-3-128

Sign: NU
Reading: nu
Context: id-din-nu
Note: l.11
ID: 306069a2-832c-42f1-a31f-6fc9aa24517f__yos-3-128

Sign: ŠID
Reading: KIŠIB
Context: IM.KIŠIB
Note: l.10
ID: 12f48a2c-ed0e-4b16-947c-787f5e752518__yos-3-128

Sign: LA
Reading: la
Context: ik-te-la-a’
Note: l.8
ID: 157b812b-259b-4979-9735-70f9bac80085__yos-3-128

Sign: TE
Reading: te
Context: ik-te-la-a’
Note: l.8
ID: b16db0f0-abd0-4e6c-95a9-97b1ae6e9a9a__yos-3-128

Sign: IM
Reading: IM
Context: IM.KIŠIB
Note: l.10
ID: 395109e9-1d8f-4a10-b651-c400b55192f8__yos-3-128

Sign: ŠU
Reading: šu
Context: ú-šu-uz-zu
Note: l.6
ID: 5ddb4c56-f566-4751-9e61-04a80c9be70b__yos-3-128

Sign: Ú
Reading: ú
Context: liq-bu-ú
Note: l.5
ID: 024ef6b2-9a47-4880-87f2-e6ef5a0c46fb__yos-3-128

Context: EN-iá
Note: l.4
ID: aeac9b02-5df0-4239-a2c2-cfe6cef4b3c8__yos-3-128

Sign: ŠÚ
Reading: šú
Context: EN-šú
Note: l.3
ID: 798136f1-d100-431e-a84c-7bee0b38eccf__yos-3-128

Sign: AG
Reading: AG
Context: I.d.AG-ŠEŠ.MEŠ-MU
Note: PN (l.1)
ID: 854fc946-54da-4b10-8a4e-c05173141a54__yos-3-128

Sign: BU
Reading: bu
Context: I.šu-zu-bu
Note: PN (l.1)
ID: 76ff7413-461c-4766-8634-86609df32781__yos-3-128

Sign: ZU
Reading: zu
Context: I.šu-zu-bu
Note: PN (l.1)
ID: 15d1ce4f-ef8b-48eb-8af4-cd32f0ca8af8__yos-3-128