YOS 3 141 |

Place (Region) Uruk (Uruk)
Archive Eanna None
CDLI no. P309666
Museum Number YBC 8867
Scribe Innin-zēru-šubši
Period | Year | Range nB | 587 | 590 - 584 (BC)
Babylonian Date
Comment to Date The year 587 was chosen at random as it lies towards the mid-point of the possible time range (15-20 Nbk). See Levavi AOAT 414/2.
Text Type Letter
Content Innin-zēru-šubši complains to Nabû-ušabši about his workload.
Distinctive Protagonists Innin-zēru-šubši, Nabû-ušabši
Bibliography Levavi, AOAT 414/2

33 Glyphs

Sign: ME
Reading: me
Context: áš-me
Note: l.27
ID: 9f9b7127-9578-431e-a102-d350e6545a34__yos-3-141

Sign: ÁŠ
Reading: áš
Context: áš-me
Note: l.27
ID: d388a901-e9b8-414f-9ff9-723d8e35fa97__yos-3-141

Sign: EN
Reading: en
Context: ṭè-en-šú
Note: l.27
ID: a4be84a0-0e48-4dfe-b19d-310bfee68a68__yos-3-141

Sign: DUL
Reading: dul
Context: dul-lu
Note: l.10
ID: f5841f1d-8c1a-45f6-98ac-bd2656476513__yos-3-141

Sign: I
Reading: i
Context: ki-i
Note: l.9
ID: 716a3c06-fbe0-42f1-8ce2-9d113e157633__yos-3-141

Sign: KI
Reading: ki
Context: ki-i
Note: l.9
ID: 3c128079-6e68-4e17-b3d4-7591d7d83983__yos-3-141

Sign: US
Reading: us
Context: u4-mu-us-su
Note: l.7
ID: 1063bb7c-5659-4112-9fe5-8dfa5887ef88__yos-3-141

Sign: SU
Reading: su
Context: su-uh-pa-a’
Note: l.8
ID: 6a3760ef-4d6a-4097-98a7-abc85970c742__yos-3-141

Sign: MA
Reading: ma
Context: um-ma
Note: l.8
ID: 53002486-b6c0-4d43-a4de-8bce35741d95__yos-3-141

Sign: UM
Reading: um
Context: um-ma
Note: l.8
ID: 720b26a5-ed9c-43e5-901e-1a39e9e634be__yos-3-141

Sign: MU
Reading: mu
Context: u4-mu-us-su
Note: l.7
ID: bc553f6c-785b-4771-afcf-f5baaffa0289__yos-3-141

Sign: UR
Reading: liq
Context: liq-ba-a4
Note: l.6
ID: a148bc9a-ab12-4184-9b65-db93bb2d5e9e__yos-3-141

Sign: ṬU
Reading: ṭu
Context: ṭu-ub
Note: l.4
ID: dc8bb5c9-fabd-48b3-b4c2-28ddc746ed7c__yos-3-141

Context: AD-iá
Note: l.3
ID: c88a333a-8e21-48e1-9af8-999210ecf6c4__yos-3-141

Reading: NUMUN
Context: I.d.INNIN.NA-NUMUN-GÁL-[ši]
Note: PN (l.1)
ID: 558bbddb-fa8c-4af4-b6c8-fc4dbf7d1187__yos-3-141

Sign: NE
Reading: ṭè
Context: ṭè-[mu]
Note: l.23
ID: 5a8dfdca-9acf-4166-b68e-6d856bafd7ce__yos-3-141

Sign: HA
Reading: ha
Context: ha-ba-lu-ú
Note: l.22
ID: 49580ad9-af9b-4ffa-8435-ac2171d6ded3__yos-3-141

Sign: AB
Reading: ba
Context: i-ba-áš-šú-ú
Note: l.21
ID: d1a0ca1b-317b-4442-bd3a-bf6bc6debd92__yos-3-141

Sign: UG
Reading: uk
Context: al-<la>-nu-uk
Note: l.20
ID: e4be48c0-db62-450f-8ec6-d20dfcb64444__yos-3-141

Sign: NU
Reading: nu
Context: al-<la>-nu-uk
Note: l.20
ID: 10f99a2e-37c4-4d87-93bd-d001f01405b1__yos-3-141

Sign: AL
Reading: al
Context: al-<la>-nu-uk
Note: l.20
ID: 2e63af1a-b7f7-4cc9-9bc1-d7d1414cd544__yos-3-141

Sign: UD
Reading: UTU
Context: d.UTU
Note: DN (l.18)
ID: 64a5660d-4e08-4904-82a8-d18e9b75ab45__yos-3-141

Context: KÙ.BABBAR
Note: l.17
ID: 1e99ad76-452b-4ad6-9ab4-3d14269b3ff9__yos-3-141

Sign: Ù
Reading: ù
Context: ù
Note: l.16
ID: 8e054096-ed4b-4a52-bf91-b600f5fd3da0__yos-3-141

Sign: HAL
Reading: hal
Context: i-hal-liq
Note: l.18
ID: 2c364f10-555a-4992-90ee-ec7639331705__yos-3-141

Sign: I
Reading: i
Context: i-hal-liq
Note: l.18
ID: 33e1c781-b9b1-4877-8cef-ecb5aea75c35__yos-3-141

Sign: KU
Reading: ku
Context: lil-li-ku
Note: l.14
ID: 3de0f092-00a6-4a33-afb3-3179823781cd__yos-3-141

Sign: LI
Reading: li
Context: lil-li-ku
Note: l.14
ID: f22479d6-14ce-44e1-aed3-a13c69c29915__yos-3-141

Sign: AD
Reading: ad
Context: ad-da-a-ku
Note: l.16
ID: 202acc77-3912-4366-bb56-c6c23eb87d41__yos-3-141

Sign: IA
Reading: ia
Context: ia-a-nu-ú
Note: l.15
ID: b6c2aaed-28a7-4f8b-a154-36cd1d1789d4__yos-3-141

Sign: LIL
Reading: lil
Context: lil-li-ku
Note: l.14
ID: dd88ced2-5f91-4540-b067-f405169530cd__yos-3-141

Sign: NA
Reading: na
Context: a-na
Note: l.13
ID: 2d15301e-4f1a-4d45-a720-b6aaea722411__yos-3-141

Sign: A
Reading: a
Context: a-na
Note: l.13
ID: 93c7ad2f-e10f-4cfe-9046-d79dad4523f4__yos-3-141