TCL 9 99 |

Place (Region) (Uruk)
Archive Eanna None
CDLI no.
Museum Number AO 8576
Scribe Nebuchadnezzar
Period | Year | Range nB | 610 | 610 - 610 (BC)
Babylonian Date Npl_-_-16
Comment to Date for the date of the letter to 16 Npl and the battle of Harran see Joannès 1991: 261, Da Riva 2008: 8, Kleber 2008: 238f. Jursa 2014b: 105, Levavi AOAT 414/2
Text Type Letter
Content The crown-prince Nebuchadnezzar orders the high officials of Eanna to send all capable man to fight with the king at Ḫarrān.
Distinctive Protagonists Nebuchadnezzar, Ninurta-šarru-uṣur (qīpu), Nabû-nādin-šumi (šatammu), and Marduk-ēṭer (temple scribe)
Bibliography Levavi, AOAT 414/2

16 Glyphs

Sign: TA
Reading: ta
Context: it-ta-lak
Note: l.9
ID: 4d3ae592-974b-4d27-9cc1-bd52bcc55888__tcl-9-99

Sign: HAR
Reading: har
Context: KUR.har-ra-nu
Note: GN (l.8)
ID: 9c483822-2ac5-42e8-8c61-7c6d345ab15c__tcl-9-99

Sign: Ú
Reading: ú
Context: liq-bu-ú
Note: l.7
ID: 0c642ada-57d1-4867-a754-8b13a1927c1a__tcl-9-99

Sign: BU
Reading: bu
Context: liq-bu-ú
Note: l.7
ID: 352fd618-fcce-4f98-b341-bd310556d256__tcl-9-99

Sign: LUM
Reading: lum
Context: šu-lum
Note: l.5
ID: b59b2438-e6d4-4513-8abb-bda05b23d7b6__tcl-9-99

Sign: ŠU
Reading: šu
Context: šu-lum
Note: l.5
ID: 1026fa15-b989-47e2-9208-9942e5834ec7__tcl-9-99

Sign: IR
Reading: ir
Context: I.d.AMAR.UTU-KAR-ir
Note: PN (l.4)
ID: 91824bb5-7f5a-4d64-926e-970d324a8989__tcl-9-99

Sign: UD
Reading: UTU
Context: I.d.AMAR.UTU-KAR-ir
Note: PN (l.4)
ID: 16f51b9d-904c-4a76-83bb-ed13c2895772__tcl-9-99

Sign: AMAR
Reading: AMAR
Context: I.d.AMAR.UTU-KAR-ir
Note: PN (l.4)
ID: 509cb1ed-1ca4-47d3-84d0-5aff3063ec64__tcl-9-99

Sign: MU
Reading: MU
Context: I.d.AG-na-din-MU
Note: PN (l.3)
ID: 32d59cea-5dfa-4894-ab36-804da985be90__tcl-9-99

Sign: DIN
Reading: din
Context: I.d.AG-na-din-MU
Note: PN (l.3)
ID: adf0528e-c866-4695-b1cf-df579b9f1bba__tcl-9-99

Sign: NA
Reading: na
Context: I.d.AG-na-din-MU
Note: PN (l.3)
ID: 149234be-4395-4107-9a6e-d0ee573223d4__tcl-9-99

Reading: LUGAL
Context: I.d.MAŠ-LUGAL-ÙRU
Note: PN (l.2)
ID: 2b4f2e19-af1b-4a3f-b04e-be07c44d4afc__tcl-9-99

Sign: BAR
Reading: MAŠ
Context: I.d.MAŠ-LUGAL-ÙRU
Note: PN (l.2)
ID: 6ce04dc2-1300-4529-81e7-99bfd1b90197__tcl-9-99

Sign: DU
Reading: DU
Context: I.d.AG-NÍG.DU-ÙRU
Note: PN (l.1)
ID: cb8b3c40-c3af-44a2-bc5f-33e96e2b3c62__tcl-9-99

Sign: ŠÁ
Reading: NÍG
Context: I.d.AG-NÍG.DU-ÙRU
Note: PN (l.1)
ID: 32934f94-1d12-4b86-9a28-5a6d60c820c6__tcl-9-99