BIN 1 42 |

Place (Region) Uruk (Uruk)
Archive Eanna None
CDLI no.
Museum Number NBC 1148
Scribe Marduk-šākin-šumi
Period | Year | Range nB | 623 | 626 - 620 (BC)
Babylonian Date
Comment to Date Marduk-šākin-šumi is the temple scribe of Eanna, 0–7 Npl (later the temple administrator). The year 623 was chosen at random as it lies towards the mid-point of the possible time range.
Text Type Letter
Content Marduk-šākin-šumi writes to the šatammu regarding an Urukean woman who was taken to Babylon by a man who failed to fulfil his obligations towards her (presumably in a marriage contract).
Distinctive Protagonists Marduk-šākin-šumi , šatammu of Eanna
Bibliography Levavi, AOAT 414/2

30 Glyphs

Sign: IA
Reading: ia
Context: ia-nu-um-ma
Note: l.24
ID: 6f245ba4-e087-4954-9fef-913efa3bb881__bin-1-42

Sign: LA
Reading: la
Context: ma-la
Note: l.22
ID: c65535ec-f529-4bfc-ad2a-ddc5428a6990__bin-1-42

Sign: MA
Reading: ma
Context: ma-la
Note: l.22
ID: 70f550d6-6c16-4f54-bf26-5c65d2db98dc__bin-1-42

Sign: A
Reading: a
Context: a-na
Note: l.20
ID: 980d94b1-90c4-40ed-b436-143f35deef97__bin-1-42

Sign: DI
Reading: de
Context: i-de
Note: l.12
ID: 8ec9127a-36fa-415b-9590-144ab6bbd972__bin-1-42

Sign: I
Reading: i
Context: i-de
Note: l.12
ID: ab25aecd-0ce2-4585-8165-553ff1c66291__bin-1-42

Sign: NI
Reading: ì
Context: ì
Note: l.11
ID: 10d61e81-627b-4ee8-8af7-3518e7181071__bin-1-42

Sign: ŠI
Reading: ši
Context: ul-te-ši-ib-šú
Note: l.9
ID: 8b8d8e1b-d149-4063-8ea1-07df71fc4cd9__bin-1-42

Sign: TE
Reading: te
Context: ul-te-ši-ib-šú
Note: l.9
ID: 2b460915-7d92-4816-945d-488e0f84038a__bin-1-42

Sign: GAN
Reading: kan
Context: il-ta-kan
Note: l.8
ID: 9012a559-452a-4190-8cf4-edf97db7a7e0__bin-1-42

Sign: TA
Reading: ta
Context: il-ta-kan
Note: l.8
ID: 24bc630f-d650-4857-949d-514731f171ee__bin-1-42

Sign: IL
Reading: il
Context: il-ta-kan
Note: l.8
ID: 50f2f612-3bb4-4a63-b763-cb664f95bcc9__bin-1-42

Sign: ÁŠ
Reading: áš
Context: na-ka-áš-ta
Note: l.6
ID: 89afdecb-799a-4831-9b08-87eb0d68d9f4__bin-1-42

Sign: KA
Reading: ka
Context: na-ka-áš-ta
Note: l.6
ID: 53ead3f9-a799-4455-abcb-23e9f2d2f9e5__bin-1-42

Sign: UL
Reading: ul
Context: ul na-ka-áš-ta
Note: l.6
ID: 46181a51-0511-4f13-ba1f-d1166c210e2c__bin-1-42

Sign: TI
Reading: ti
Context: UNUG.KI-e-ti
Note: l.5
ID: 52f2f306-6287-4120-898c-066d52f05a2e__bin-1-42

Sign: E
Reading: e
Context: UNUG.KI-e-ti
Note: l.5
ID: 187ad639-08b4-4a17-b29f-f59f1e39d72e__bin-1-42

Sign: KI
Reading: ke
Context: <MÍ>šìr-rat
Note: fPN (l.4)
ID: 1018294e-1202-42bc-9370-05e0d7276c95__bin-1-42

Sign: NIN
Reading: nin
Context: <MÍ>šìr-rat
Note: fPN (l.4)
ID: 4daedb67-0c71-4726-9bf6-c78c98834661__bin-1-42

Sign: IN
Reading: in
Context: <MÍ>šìr-rat
Note: fPN (l.4)
ID: b1a265a7-54ec-4b22-a93b-2b6b6bc34a4b__bin-1-42

Sign: ŠEŠ
Reading: ŠEŠ
Context: ŠEŠ-iá
Note: l.3
ID: 7336aa78-cc92-4494-98a1-6c2c05cade69__bin-1-42

Sign: DIN
Reading: TIN
Context: TIN
Note: l.3
ID: 4320bd30-48eb-4fa6-bd0d-bbf1da584e47__bin-1-42

Sign: LUM
Reading: lum
Context: šu-lum
Note: l.3
ID: 48b37263-7eb6-475b-960d-2ef7dd2c2db6__bin-1-42

Sign: ŠU
Reading: šu
Context: šu-lum
Note: l.3
ID: ebf27453-6ba6-43e5-9524-9fd586cd9de1__bin-1-42

Sign: UD
Reading: TAM
Context: LÚ.ŠÀ.TAM
Note: l.2
ID: 793e5ad4-30e5-4f4b-ad07-278c1ee7cd7b__bin-1-42

Sign: ŠÀ
Reading: ŠÀ
Context: LÚ.ŠÀ.TAM
Note: l.2
ID: 2d0c8a16-ed20-4ebe-ac21-39fd262e151b__bin-1-42

Context: LÚ.ŠÀ.TAM
Note: l.2
ID: faae9073-97b3-4f99-9ac6-d0dbee734ab7__bin-1-42

Sign: NA
Reading: na
Context: a-na
Note: l.2
ID: d59547ce-ffe1-4d37-a2f4-bf8c0f6322ab__bin-1-42

Sign: AMAR
Reading: AMAR
Context: I.d.AMAR.UTU-GAR-MU
Note: PN (l.1)
ID: a91f0e28-5849-497e-ab27-1285b2dbae4f__bin-1-42

Sign: IM
Reading: IM
Context: IM PN
Note: l.1
ID: c9776ef5-8aa2-4952-96fb-091a49d89605__bin-1-42