Achaemenid History XV n. 53 |

Place (Region) Borsippa (Borsippa)
Archive Ilia D None
CDLI no.
Museum Number BM 96214
Scribe Nabû-ahhē-iddin/Nabû-šumu-iddin/Ilšu-abūšu
Period | Year | Range None | None | 526 - 1 (BC)
Babylonian Date Camb22-[ ]-04
Comment to Date
Text Type Prebend contract
Content Brewer’s prebend given as pledge against a silver debt
Distinctive Protagonists
Bibliography Waerzeggers, C., The Ezida Temple of Borsippa. Priesthood, Cult, Archives. Leiden: Nederlands Instituut voor het Nabije Osten, 2010 (= Achaemenid History XV)

6 Glyphs

Sign: UL
Reading: ul
Context: ul
Note: l.7
ID: b1f32bd6-edc7-41ec-9135-c012d0458c3e__achaemenid-history-xv-n-53

Sign: HI
Reading: hi
Context: muh-hi
Note: l.7
ID: 063abd6f-f29b-4482-9816-d3ab738af6cb__achaemenid-history-xv-n-53

Sign: ZI
Reading: zi
Context: é-zi-da
Note: l.3
ID: 3efcb468-d4b4-4747-bf37-87b0bb006ffc__achaemenid-history-xv-n-53

Sign: DA
Reading: da
Context: é-zi-da
Note: l.3
ID: 7b828654-9872-49f2-bb05-be8ab36e7bcf__achaemenid-history-xv-n-53

Sign: BA
Reading: BA
Context: GIŠ.ŠUB.BA
Note: l.2
ID: b6ab98be-cdfd-43e0-b3ce-f712d93d71d5__achaemenid-history-xv-n-53

Sign: KAM
Reading: KAM
Context: UD.10.KAM
Note: l.2
ID: 6fa39b36-6db5-4140-ae00-e10d553a84f0__achaemenid-history-xv-n-53