CUSAS 28 96 |

Place (Region) Našar (Al-Yahudu (Nippur))
Archive None None
CDLI no.
Museum Number
Scribe Arad-Gula/Nabû-šumu-ukīn//Amēl-Ea
Period | Year | Range Ach | 525 | 525 - 525 (BC)
Babylonian Date Cam20-XII-04
Comment to Date
Text Type Work contract
Content hiring of a child
Distinctive Protagonists Ahīqar/Rīmūt
Bibliography CUSAS 28

16 Glyphs

Sign: ṬU
Reading: GÍN
Context: GÍN
Note: l.8
ID: 4f5daa9c-6b6c-4bcb-944c-886ef3d1fa32__cusas-28-96

Sign: KUR
Reading: KUR
Context: KUR.KUR.MEŠ
Note: l.5
ID: 7c5d90e0-eeef-4567-8280-203aa041b3aa__cusas-28-96

Sign: MEŠ
Reading: MEŠ
Context: KUR.KUR.MEŠ
Note: l.5
ID: 6d5ab1e7-656d-485b-9bc9-77638fdb6b21__cusas-28-96

Reading: LUGAL
Context: LUGAL
Note: l.4
ID: a82aaffd-e022-4874-9fbc-feed3980a92c__cusas-28-96

Context: I.gam-bu-zi-iá
Note: RN (l.4)
ID: 61729a2a-edc6-42cc-a8af-0e1f869a7660__cusas-28-96

Sign: ZI
Reading: zi
Context: I.gam-bu-zi-iá
Note: RN (l.4)
ID: c86c7985-8a76-4a8e-bcaf-32505c804beb__cusas-28-96

Sign: BU
Reading: bu
Context: I.gam-bu-zi-iá
Note: RN (l.4)
ID: 3c74e527-0dc3-4782-81f0-b682b97a13ea__cusas-28-96

Sign: GAM
Reading: gam
Context: I.gam-bu-zi-iá
Note: RN (l.4)
ID: 1fac0ab8-801e-49ed-a7fd-fcb1339d1310__cusas-28-96

Sign: DI
Reading: di
Context: a-di
Note: l.3
ID: 01d44281-06c5-423f-8262-df3ec3c5529e__cusas-28-96

Sign: UL
Reading: ul
Context: ul-tu
Note: l.3
ID: b701875f-37a4-46ab-9c7b-2a197274693f__cusas-28-96

Sign: I
Reading: i
Context: I.ia-hu-ú-i-zi-ni
Note: PN (l.2)
ID: 8d629b6d-8d0f-49cc-8356-e5355d4a7c89__cusas-28-96

Sign: Ú
Reading: ú
Context: I.ia-hu-ú-i-zi-ni
Note: PN (l.2)
ID: b3035791-d071-4dd4-921c-feffba7a4ac5__cusas-28-96

Sign: HU
Reading: hu
Context: I.ia-hu-ú-i-zi-ni
Note: PN (l.2)
ID: 9102dfac-8373-4f55-abe8-7e73ef4eda9a__cusas-28-96

Sign: IA
Reading: ia
Context: I.da-gal-ia-a-ma
Note: PN (l.1)
ID: ec35ee76-ca0b-48d5-9949-c678f8895733__cusas-28-96

Sign: GAL
Reading: gal
Context: I.da-gal-ia-a-ma
Note: PN (l.1)
ID: 2fd1efc9-9893-4ffd-991c-717afa8656f7__cusas-28-96

Sign: DA
Reading: da
Context: I.da-gal-ia-a-ma
Note: PN (l.1)
ID: 11a68c6f-9d61-4c56-a3fb-d9e92c72bcbc__cusas-28-96