CUSAS 28 77 |

Place (Region) Našar (Al-Yahudu (Nippur))
Archive None None
CDLI no.
Museum Number
Scribe Arad-Gula/Nabû-šumu-ukīn//Amēl-Ea
Period | Year | Range Ach | 527 | 527 - 527 (BC)
Babylonian Date Cam29-X-02
Comment to Date
Text Type Sales contract (movable goods)
Content Sale of an ox
Distinctive Protagonists Ahīqar/Rīmūt
Bibliography CUSAS 28

10 Glyphs

Sign: URU
Reading: URU
Context: URU
Note: l.15
ID: cf97a92e-1e18-41fa-8640-3568ef8e6acf__cusas-28-77

Sign: LAM
Reading: lam
Context: I.šá-lam-d.a-num
Note: PN (l.12)
ID: 7fae7916-f3d4-48f6-bfa9-c285b6018f4a__cusas-28-77

Sign: ṬU
Reading: GÍN
Context: GÍN
Note: l.5
ID: 1c42225a-a10d-450f-9850-ff9f89e6f355__cusas-28-77

Sign: SA
Reading: sa
Context: sa-ma-a-ka-a'-a-ma
Note: PN (l.4)
ID: 06a98c74-fb21-4a08-990c-c6f547da8892__cusas-28-77

Sign: AR
Reading: ar
Context: ṣa-ar-pa-a-a
Note: l.4
ID: 7e00acbd-1be8-433f-98c7-08de3d3336db__cusas-28-77

Sign: Ú
Reading: ú
Context: ru-bu-ú
Note: l.3
ID: 1287cd4f-c789-4006-b7cc-1ff245f7252e__cusas-28-77

Sign: RU
Reading: ru
Context: ru-bu-ú
Note: l.3
ID: f5655b02-71bc-4f41-8747-02ae6052e460__cusas-28-77

Sign: A'
Reading: a'
Context: I.a-qa-bi-a'-a-ma
Note: PN (l.1)
ID: e4df8cae-45ed-437a-962d-cf6a9c1380c6__cusas-28-77

Sign: BI
Reading: bi
Context: I.a-qa-bi-a'-a-ma
Note: PN (l.1)
ID: 3af84ded-c50f-48b6-969f-94826b9bf910__cusas-28-77

Sign: QA
Reading: qa
Context: I.a-qa-bi-a'-a-ma
Note: PN (l.1)
ID: dfdffed8-8b21-49fe-80b6-7ec22f9ae34f__cusas-28-77