CUSAS 28 67 |

Place (Region) Našar (Al-Yahudu (Nippur))
Archive None None
CDLI no.
Museum Number
Scribe Arad-Gula/Nabû-šumu-ukīn//Amēl-Ea
Period | Year | Range Ach | 527 | 527 - 527 (BC)
Babylonian Date Cam05-VIII-03
Comment to Date
Text Type Lease contract
Content Lease of a bīt qašti for cultivation
Distinctive Protagonists Ahīqar/Rīmūt, Rīmūt/Ammu
Bibliography CUSAS 28

11 Glyphs

Sign: IA
Reading: ia
Context: I.nar-gi-ia
Note: PN (l.21)
ID: c0a52ea7-4e63-422b-bcf5-6a3ccee4cc9e__cusas-28-67

Sign: GI
Reading: gi
Context: I.nar-gi-ia
Note: PN (l.21)
ID: fca223ea-4345-4ad3-9ba1-fefa4f81ece7__cusas-28-67

Sign: APIN
Reading: APIN
Context: ITI.APIN
Note: MN (l.18)
ID: f8899c4d-a964-46a1-a445-f5ecb1f65fc2__cusas-28-67

Sign: ITU
Reading: ITI
Context: ITI.APIN
Note: MN (l.18)
ID: d518f567-8328-4fec-8212-1187fd50b700__cusas-28-67

Sign: MU
Reading: mu
Note: PN (l.14)
ID: 7deee0d6-d375-4ce9-8b27-57d4fec2529d__cusas-28-67

Sign: LI
Reading: le
Context: e-le-nu-ú
Note: l.7
ID: e0d8598a-55bb-405d-9741-b6d2690626dd__cusas-28-67

Sign: LU
Reading: lu
Context: dul-lu
Note: l.4
ID: 40d830c9-e1db-4678-be0b-f011977ae625__cusas-28-67

Sign: DUL
Reading: dul
Context: dul-lu
Note: l.6
ID: 9e86d57c-d5bc-4bbc-b15f-cb13dd711bce__cusas-28-67

Sign: IR
Reading: er
Context: er-re-šu-tu
Note: l.4
ID: 91d67da7-f8dc-44ba-9c7a-5da81e9ecf9b__cusas-28-67

Sign: NA
Reading: na
Context: a-na
Note: l.4
ID: ab447b85-b1ee-4a56-b52b-3b6ee5b89191__cusas-28-67

Sign: QA
Reading: qa
Context: bit-qa
Note: l.3
ID: 22866682-358e-4b17-989a-0feabf525421__cusas-28-67