CUSAS 28 66 |

Place (Region) Našar (Al-Yahudu (Nippur))
Archive None
CDLI no.
Museum Number
Scribe Arad-Gula/Nabû-šumu-ukīn//Amēl-Ea
Period | Year | Range None | 527 | 527 - 527 (BC)
Babylonian Date Cam05-VIII-03
Comment to Date
Text Type Promissory note
Content Promissory note for barley and dates (imittu on a bīt qašti)
Distinctive Protagonists Ahīqar/Rīmūt, Aqria/Ammu
Bibliography CUSAS 28

30 Glyphs

Sign: UGU
Reading: muh
Context: muh-hi
Note: l.2 (UGUxhi)
ID: 01c964a1-69f9-45d7-a417-4982235eeb98__cusas-28-66

Sign: KAM
Reading: KAM
Context: MU.3.KAM
Note: l.20
ID: 501b872d-8bca-4669-8b7f-12fc6bb33869__cusas-28-66

Sign: GU
Reading: gu
Context: I.Ì
Note: PN (l.17)
ID: 32cb27b7-c32c-4cb4-b6bf-c07448f0fd6f__cusas-28-66

Sign: ARAD
Reading: ÌR
Context: I.Ì
Note: PN (l.17)
ID: 249b25b7-1219-492f-b6a9-db7d556d9cfd__cusas-28-66

Sign: ŠID
Reading: UMBISAG
Note: l.17
ID: 3ea428fc-5abb-4e3f-b515-f257558e7a62__cusas-28-66

Sign: RI
Reading: ri
Context: I.ri-mut
Note: PN (l.16)
ID: 3db03817-9eaa-401d-8dcf-3198419aa071__cusas-28-66

Sign: LU
Reading: lu
Context: I.d.AG-a-a-lu
Note: PN (l.15)
ID: bce2db04-54ae-4fd0-8761-9ccedf4ae826__cusas-28-66

Sign: AG
Reading: AG
Context: I.d.AG-ŠEŠ-MU
Note: PN (l.15)
ID: f2e6cf67-4200-4e96-aeb1-f0acdb6ee29f__cusas-28-66

Sign: KIN
Reading: kin
Context: LÚ.mu-kin-nu
Note: l.14
ID: 3840f15f-f154-42d4-a8e8-18993f376cdc__cusas-28-66

Sign: MU
Reading: mu
Context: LÚ.mu-kin-nu
Note: l.14
ID: f01c2139-108a-4791-8641-1225dc614780__cusas-28-66

Context: LÚ.mu-kin-nu
Note: l.14
ID: add67076-48c9-4ad4-8d76-68861722eb02__cusas-28-66

Sign: ŠI
Reading: lim
Context: i-šal-lim
Note: l.14
ID: 28be20eb-9bad-4ec0-8fe1-7ab6748d4b99__cusas-28-66

Sign: ŠU
Reading: šu
Context: ra-šu-ú-su
Note: l.13
ID: 465eaa0a-2a4d-4292-983d-f99cd7b431da__cusas-28-66

Sign: RA
Reading: ra
Context: ra-šu-ú-su
Note: l.13
ID: d7a88a9c-5cd0-42d6-b88b-4e279fc95062__cusas-28-66

Sign: DI
Reading: di
Context: a-di-i
Note: l.13
ID: 2ddac0ba-de0b-4b06-b388-d803495c3cd6__cusas-28-66

Sign: KUR
Reading: laṭ
Context: i-šal-laṭ
Note: l.13
ID: d9a33ee4-7c02-4611-b8b6-e3ba7cff7e98__cusas-28-66

Sign: SAL
Reading: šal
Context: i-šal-laṭ
Note: l.13
ID: ba19b7be-5b28-4dc4-b00c-943ea5d887e4__cusas-28-66

Sign: I
Reading: i
Context: i-šal-laṭ
Note: l.13
ID: 2a3aa96f-4f46-49f7-8e0a-2e0106ed3e45__cusas-28-66

Sign: MA
Reading: ma
Context: šá-nam-ma
Note: l.12
ID: 738c74d3-625a-4ba2-9e68-12c290b3bb8d__cusas-28-66

Sign: NAM
Reading: nam
Context: šá-nam-ma
Note: l.12
ID: a673a370-7289-44bd-bfc2-243c0b58a9d3__cusas-28-66

Sign: ŠÚ
Reading: šú
Context: GIŠ.BAN-šú
Note: l.10
ID: 812826a7-7eac-436f-9825-1a2754162ecf__cusas-28-66

Sign: PAN
Reading: BAN
Context: GIŠ.BAN-šú
Note: l.10
ID: f10c72f7-d34e-4f33-b4c6-bf669579f353__cusas-28-66

Sign: TI
Reading: ti
Context: HA.LA-ti-šú
Note: l.9
ID: 7f593b49-7d25-40b2-9651-e893c4e1ae59__cusas-28-66

Sign: UL
Reading: ul
Context: ul-tu
Note: l.4
ID: e5930010-aca1-4b18-a88e-f937e1b2ab4c__cusas-28-66

Sign: GU4
Reading: GU4
Context: ITI.GU4
Note: MN (l.4)
ID: 56d89406-ecc1-40ab-9689-92b63a8eebed__cusas-28-66

Sign: MU
Reading: mu
Note: PN (l.3)
ID: d150d0f5-7d4c-4506-b471-aead202d6c6b__cusas-28-66

Sign: AM
Reading: am
Note: PN (l.3)
ID: 84eb8c84-2b8d-496a-86db-de787886966d__cusas-28-66

Sign: HI
Reading: hi
Context: muh-hi
Note: l.2
ID: 608b3d3f-fef0-475e-aee5-f6622d536384__cusas-28-66

Sign: MUD
Reading: mut
Context: I.ri-mut
Note: PN (l.2)
ID: 93d9bbb6-ee9d-4bf7-94f4-23183ebe9aef__cusas-28-66

Sign: IA
Reading: ia
Context: I.ŠEŠ-ia-qar
Note: PN (l.2)
ID: 9ae8ab5c-d6d4-4d62-af88-288472d64a14__cusas-28-66