Cyr 255 |

Place (Region) Sippar (Sippar)
Archive Adad-šamê None
CDLI no.
Museum Number BM 74955
Scribe Lâbâši/Nādin//Šangû-Šamaš
Period | Year | Range Ach | 532 | 532 - 532 (BC)
Babylonian Date Cyr20-III-07
Comment to Date None
Text Type Work contract
Content Contract for the manufacture of bricks
Distinctive Protagonists Arad-Bēl/Bēl-ušallim//Adad-šamê

18 Glyphs

Sign: LA
Reading: la
Note: PN (l.15)
ID: 817ca6cf-1e42-41d2-a536-e2b5e8cc4d93__cyr-255

Sign: BA
Reading: ba
Note: PN (l.15)
ID: e1d75ffa-8d44-4435-8b13-11edffe0c0fd__cyr-255

Sign: SU
Reading: SU
Context: I.d.AMAR.UTU-SU
Note: PN (l.14)
ID: 4010e3af-5a80-46f0-8f62-5e1959969175__cyr-255

Sign: AMAR
Reading: AMAR
Context: I.d.AMAR.UTU-SU
Note: PN (l.14)
ID: e12c1781-2600-465d-8daf-a0950ea97860__cyr-255

Sign: MEŠ
Reading: MEŠ
Context: HA.LA.MEŠ
Note: l.8
ID: c962ee80-68f8-40a0-9140-300cab7cbb06__cyr-255

Sign: LA
Reading: LA
Context: HA.LA.MEŠ
Note: l.8
ID: d984b17d-3b27-4c67-9217-846901d37ac9__cyr-255

Sign: TA
Reading: ta
Context: 2-ta
Note: l.7
ID: 75f2557b-ba0d-4239-954d-ec35b7102ca1__cyr-255

Sign: IN
Reading: in
Context: i-lab-bi-in
Note: l.7
ID: 748878ce-52f3-493b-a625-31e8f5328960__cyr-255

Sign: BI
Reading: bi
Context: i-lab-bi-in
Note: l.7
ID: ad8d7763-9b61-4aa6-a608-953ca9f41ce9__cyr-255

Sign: KAL
Reading: lab
Context: i-lab-bi-in
Note: l.7
ID: 06cead7a-8b8e-4145-a9f4-3943f95b81f7__cyr-255

Sign: I
Reading: i
Context: i-lab-bi-in
Note: l.7
ID: 6a38b85b-9519-41cd-b069-133a6433de14__cyr-255

Sign: GI
Reading: GI
Context: GI.MEŠ
Note: l.5
ID: 3b798dee-60c7-48d2-984c-cea261c39236__cyr-255

Sign: DA
Reading: DA
Context: DA
Note: l. 5
ID: 99651096-791e-4bc7-a8ec-46bb1b282614__cyr-255

Sign: IA
Reading: ia
Context: I.ÌR-ia
Note: PN (l.1)
ID: 27663bbd-a389-46a3-b2d4-c1e65615b878__cyr-255

Sign: MEŠ
Reading: MEŠ
Context: GI.MEŠ
Note: l.5
ID: a5cea87e-7247-4518-8957-c7820afda829__cyr-255

Sign: MUD
Reading: mut
Context: I.ri-mut
Note: PN (l.2)
ID: 7c937483-eb31-4e37-9a8f-490f69ef7843__cyr-255

Sign: ARAD
Reading: ÌR
Context: I.ÌR-ia
Note: PN (l.1)
ID: 01bcf191-fbdc-409c-bb5f-be355b27acbd__cyr-255

Sign: HI
Reading: HI
Context: SIG4.HI.A
Note: l.1
ID: bed19909-3c28-47e6-b7f8-90984d69fb44__cyr-255