BM 49841 |

Place (Region) Sippar (Sippar)
Archive None None
CDLI no.
Museum Number BM 49841
Scribe Rēmūt-Nabû/Bēl-eṭēri
Period | Year | Range nB | None | 626 - 1 (BC)
Babylonian Date Npl 24-11-x
Comment to Date None
Text Type Slave sale
Content fGurara sold her daughter fKab-x-ˀ for 5 kor of barley
Distinctive Protagonists fGurara

20 Glyphs

Sign: UR
Reading: lik
Context: I.d.IM-ma-lik
Note: PN
ID: b0372ab7-d3b9-41a2-bf66-5a4142a3ff6e__bm-49841

Sign: MA
Reading: ma
Context: I.d.IM-ma-lik
Note: PN
ID: e4b111dc-037a-49e6-95b5-6b45a9abc942__bm-49841

Sign: IM
Reading: IM
Context: I.d.IM-ma-lik
Note: PN
ID: 97f7b2d8-3a32-48b3-bc23-f20b0d4dfcbd__bm-49841

Sign: DIN
Reading: din
Context: i-nam-din
ID: 2fd5c9d4-135b-4395-bc28-017957f3ef25__bm-49841

Sign: PA
Reading: pa
Context: I.še-ra-pa-bu
Note: PN
ID: a2f2675b-02cc-4ccc-a7df-994e92eb68dc__bm-49841

Sign: RA
Reading: ra
Context: I.še-ra-pa-bu
Note: PN
ID: c5bb82c7-3018-4fcb-aad4-e1c89f0954f4__bm-49841

Sign: ŠE
Reading: še
Context: I.še-ra-pa-bu
Note: PN
ID: 4fc3579d-025d-4fca-88ab-550e2dbe442f__bm-49841

Sign: GUR
Reading: GUR
Context: I.d.U.GUR-PAP
Note: PN
ID: a638bb66-f586-4363-9269-5744f09c7d0f__bm-49841

Sign: PAP
Reading: PAP
Context: I.d.U.GUR-PAP
Note: PN
ID: 0c6bc659-449b-4f5b-bbde-c19f496a004c__bm-49841

Sign: NU
Reading: nu
Context: lú.mu-kin-nu
ID: cba5021a-dfb6-4ac3-9808-0f07db5cd3fa__bm-49841

Sign: NA
Reading: na
Context: a-na
ID: 1024d71b-e5c8-465e-afb1-444607b4b13d__bm-49841

Sign: MUD
Reading: mut
Context: I.ri-mut
Note: PN
ID: ee8f51cc-6d9d-4957-8e37-18deca82e467__bm-49841

Sign: KIB
Reading: KIB
Context: UD.KIC.NUN.KI
Note: GN
ID: f9f83ff1-42b4-4e0b-b816-834b1836e9ce__bm-49841

Sign: UD
Reading: UD
Context: UD.27.KAM
ID: 7c498ccf-9e8e-4f97-97be-f4a575821515__bm-49841

Sign: ÁŠ
Reading: ZÍZ
Context: ITI.ZÍZ
Note: MN
ID: 9875c2be-913d-4342-a75d-814d0a39ec5a__bm-49841

Sign: ITU
Reading: ITI
Context: ITI.ZÍZ
Note: MN
ID: c20b64b8-45fa-403d-8e97-025fc199c544__bm-49841

Sign: KI
Reading: KI
Note: GN
ID: 19a196e2-c8ae-4060-ac9b-17d6492330e4__bm-49841

Sign: AG
Reading: AG
Context: I.d.AG-A-ÙRU
Note: RN
ID: fea55938-7aea-4303-8c10-9b1b6175ac11__bm-49841

Sign: A
Reading: A
Context: I.d.AG-A-ÙRU
Note: RN
ID: c09ab87c-b609-4471-9419-e72c75ce296e__bm-49841

Sign: ŠEŠ
Reading: ÙRU
Context: I.d.AG-A-ÙRU
Note: RN
ID: 0a112130-a4d1-4ff1-b87b-8a3107a01c2b__bm-49841