CT 44 79 |

Place (Region) (Babylon) (Babylon)
Archive Esangila
CDLI no.
Museum Number BM 78256
Scribe n/a
Period | Year | Range Ach | 389 | 389 - 389 (BC)
Babylonian Date ArtII16
Comment to Date also ArtIII16 (343) is possible
Ductus normal
Text Type Land register
Content Register of fields, tenants and rents due
Distinctive Protagonists
Bibliography Hackl 2013 (Diss), text 64 |

3 Glyphs

Sign: ŠI
Reading: IGI
Context: ina IGI
ID: f6b614a8-0de0-49d4-972c-ffef6df0a92c

Reading: XXX
Context: I.d.XXX-ma-dar
Note: PN
ID: b0746eaf-2cd9-4361-99e8-1a63cec714c7

Sign: DAR
Reading: dar
Context: I.d.XXX-ma-dar
Note: PN
ID: 8390b4ae-ff48-4a54-977a-6ced37bac0c4