NBC 6229 |

Place (Region) Nippur (Nippur)
Archive Bēl-eṭēri-Šamaš
CDLI no.
Museum Number NBC 6229
Scribe Ahu-ittabši/Līšir
Period | Year | Range Ach | 534 | 534 - 534 (BC)
Babylonian Date Cyr05-V-10
Comment to Date None
Ductus normal
Text Type Lease contract
Content Bēl-eṭēri-Šamaš rents out a plough animal (cow)
Distinctive Protagonists
Bibliography Jursa, M., 2005, „Das Archiv von Bēl-eṭēri-Šamaš“, in: H.D. Baker und M. Jursa, Approaching the Babylonian Economy. Proceedings of the START Project Symposium Held in Vienna, 1-3 July 2004. Veröffentlichungen zur Wirtschaftsgeschichte im 1. Jahrtausend v. Chr. (= AOAT 330), Münster: Ugarit-Verlag, 2005, 197-268. |

9 Glyphs

Sign: SUR
Reading: SUR
Context: I.d.AG-SUR
Note: PN
ID: f2fd7af4-887f-42c7-9f6a-804b203659f6

Sign: EZEN
Reading: šìr
Context: I.li-šìr
Note: PN
ID: 26d8d6dd-412e-420b-ae2c-b98ca9eff45f

Sign: ÁB
Reading: lit
Context: GU4.lit-tu4
ID: bd35e738-2b66-4099-bbcf-e5fbcd2c66a5

Sign: GU4
Reading: GU4
Context: GU4.lit-tu4
ID: 7d9a3249-a3bf-433a-9f54-ff1e12ff659b

Sign: TUM
Reading: tu4
Context: ma-ṣar-tu4
ID: fc284ac0-3ab7-475d-b5d1-84bc7cf67ae4

Sign: ZAR
Reading: ṣar
Context: ma-ṣar-tu4
ID: 4ee5409f-8190-4b64-94e1-3ed83bbca99c

Sign: A'
Reading: e'
Context: re-e'-i-tu4
ID: 881f38b8-f042-4102-be27-b30c8845614e

Sign: ṬU
Reading: GÍN
Context: KÙ.BABBAR-a4 6 GÍN
ID: 9ebe7926-7361-489c-881f-6911f83c93bc

Sign: AG
Reading: AG
Context: I.d+AG-ŠEŠ-MU
Note: PN; ligature of AN and AG
ID: 4f71cdbb-099d-4616-8d47-39d9bee8ddba