NBC 4717 |

Place (Region) Nippur (Nippur)
Archive Bēl-eṭēri-Šamaš
CDLI no.
Museum Number NBC 4717
Scribe Taqīš/Rībat
Period | Year | Range nB | 542 | 542 - 542 (BC)
Babylonian Date Nbn14-III-25
Comment to Date None
Ductus normal
Text Type Business contract (harrānu)
Content Entreprise in beer brewing by Bēl-eṭēri-Šamaš and a partner
Distinctive Protagonists
Bibliography Jursa, M., 2005, „Das Archiv von Bēl-eṭēri-Šamaš“, in: H.D. Baker und M. Jursa, Approaching the Babylonian Economy. Proceedings of the START Project Symposium Held in Vienna, 1-3 July 2004. Veröffentlichungen zur Wirtschaftsgeschichte im 1. Jahrtausend v. Chr. (= AOAT 330), Münster: Ugarit-Verlag, 2005, 197-268. |

15 Glyphs

Sign: BE
Reading: bat
Context: [I].ri-bat
Note: PN
ID: 9e514471-2e33-457f-870b-706ebb581d9f

Sign: ṢI
Reading: ṣi
Context: I.ha-ba-ṣi-ri
Note: PN
ID: 429f30c7-9eb8-4288-bc96-ce22967c2730

Sign: HA
Reading: ha
Context: I.ha-ba-ṣi-ri
Note: PN
ID: 5a86beed-6fef-4783-9dcc-1ffce063e9d3

Sign: KUR
Reading: laṭ
Context: I.ba-laṭ-su
Note: PN
ID: 9fbde9eb-49d6-40b4-a753-71e676f4e2ce

Sign: KIN
Reading: kin
Context: LÚ.mu-kin-nu
Note: horizontal stroke of following NU visible on photo
ID: 072412d7-d396-47ac-bb32-a40737b34cd6

Sign: KU
Reading: KU
Context: LÚ.KU.GAR.RA.[MEŠ]
ID: 895479e9-eb5a-4c1a-b364-9e7658a9ccd6

Sign: DI
Reading: di
Context: i-di
Note: beginning of following É visible on photo
ID: ad2e493b-16f5-4dc9-9dc7-1c9c93d1242d

Sign: TA
Reading: ta
Context: it-ta-ha-meš
ID: 0495e866-11d7-4dcc-89fa-32e9e8946892

Sign: ID
Reading: it
Context: it-ta-ha-meš
ID: 92879fc8-5c58-4968-a7ed-cab24034c19e

Reading: KASKAL
Context: a-na KASKAL+II
Note: ligature of KAS and II
ID: 71e028a9-caae-4446-9df8-751491ce8fc1

Sign: GA
Reading: GA
Context: KAŠ DÙG.GA
ID: f60ce31c-6da3-4ebc-8b5d-ac80ca5cb6bc

Sign: HI
Reading: DÙG
Context: KAŠ DÙG.GA
ID: 14feb67c-9c23-43d4-97c2-080cbeb0dd2f

Sign: TU
Reading: tu
Context: DUG.dan-nu-tu
ID: 342aaf90-c50a-4786-8c6c-47ae525adb0b

Sign: BI
Reading: KAŠ
Context: KAŠ DÙG.GA
ID: 5277b626-f2e4-4d90-b273-6b5cef88f329

Sign: KAL
Reading: dan
Context: DUG.dan-nu-t[u]
ID: 0507f9af-c4e9-4efe-810d-6d2aa13d687b