YOS 21 218 |

Place (Region) n/a (Uruk)
Archive Eanna
CDLI no.
Museum Number NCBT 850
Scribe n/a
Period | Year | Range Ach | 521 | 521 - 521 (BC)
Babylonian Date NbkIV01
Comment to Date None
Ductus normal
Text Type
Content rental payments of dates
Distinctive Protagonists

4 Glyphs

Sign: ZI
Reading: zi
Context: I.da-an-nu-zi-i-mu-d.15
Note: PN
ID: 1155e4dd-0cc4-41e5-88b3-9c15ab4bccd7

Sign: AG
Reading: AG
Context: d+AG-ŠEŠ.MEŠ-GI
Note: PN; ligature of AN and AG
ID: e83f0b1f-26aa-45a3-99ae-8b4ffe3c58ca

Sign: ŠI
Reading: IGI
Context: I.ŠEŠ-IGI
Note: PN
ID: 59413c10-158c-4c59-9916-215599c4fcb2

Sign: ŠE
Reading: ŠEŠ
Context: I.ŠEŠ-IGI
Note: PN
ID: 15316bda-cc1a-4084-a74d-8f3e02f43e71