NBC 8379 |

Place (Region) Āl-Adad (Nippur)
Archive Bēl-eṭēri-Šamaš
CDLI no.
Museum Number NBC 8379
Scribe Bēl-iddin/Ša-Nabû-šū
Period | Year | Range Ach | 535 | 535 - 535 (BC)
Babylonian Date Cyr04-V-25
Comment to Date None
Ductus normal
Text Type Slave sale
Content Slave sold to Bēl-eṭēri-Šamaš
Distinctive Protagonists
Bibliography Jursa, M., 2005, „Das Archiv von Bēl-eṭēri-Šamaš“, in: H.D. Baker und M. Jursa, Approaching the Babylonian Economy. Proceedings of the START Project Symposium Held in Vienna, 1-3 July 2004. Veröffentlichungen zur Wirtschaftsgeschichte im 1. Jahrtausend v. Chr. (= AOAT 330), Münster: Ugarit-Verlag, 2005, 197-268. |

22 Glyphs

Sign: NE
Reading: NE
Context: ITU.NE
ID: 0bbf1af1-fd87-4bd3-9216-64fed6a3a0bc

Sign: IM
Reading: IŠKUR
Context: URU-d.IŠKUR
Note: GN
ID: bb878ebb-668a-41ca-a002-a1f536441e67

Sign: DA
Reading: da
Context: I.ab-da-du-tu
Note: PN
ID: 74f59488-8220-45a9-8e00-8ad139bab47c

Sign: AB
Reading: ab
Context: I.ab-da-du-tu
Note: PN
ID: 1130d03a-5f15-44ea-ab3b-45866fd9b6ea

Sign: KAL
Reading: kal
Context: I.kal-ba-a
Note: PN
ID: ec84aa74-c153-4c5b-b83a-cbc36c2a36e3

Sign: TU
Reading: tu
Context: LÚ.DUMU.DÙ-ú-tu
ID: c2f9829f-be83-4aea-89ea-a412bc22f55a

Sign: Ú
Reading: ú
Context: LÚ.DUMU.DÙ-ú-tu
ID: 9f552b55-5716-4c45-8d05-fa20839b4499

Sign: DUMU
Reading: DUMU
Context: LÚ.DUMU.DÙ-ú-tu
ID: 71f73cfc-2673-4653-b12e-6e1c4e66e8bd

Sign: GÉME
Reading: GÉME
Context: GÉME-LUGAL-ú-t[u]
ID: 5922f361-b12b-4771-9c4c-cb379902405c

Sign: RA
Reading: ra
Context: pa-qir-ra-nu
ID: 84b41eea-2fda-43bc-bb7b-ece8bfdf508d

Sign: GIR
Reading: qir
Context: pa-qir-ra-nu
ID: 3ec5555f-8cea-4fcd-8bfc-0c12ceb154d9

Sign: AB
Reading: ap
Context: I.ap-la-a
Note: PN
ID: 6cf5512b-0159-41d0-a38b-7e189f2fdb46

Sign: IS
Reading: iṣ
Context: ha-ri-iṣ
Note: PN
ID: b328141e-e986-4bc7-bba7-338f66d1c024

Sign: RI
Reading: ri
Context: ha-ri-iṣ
Note: PN
ID: ff9b494f-c391-40a2-90ea-e544ee81dc91

Sign: LU
Reading: lu
Context: ub-ba-lu
ID: 4a60895b-ee96-4ab7-b6ab-cd57ae0d1b6f

Sign: UB
Reading: ub
Context: ub-ba-lu
ID: 24815b25-fe52-47e4-a2c3-b2147b333f92

Reading: GAŠAN
Context: MÍ.d.GAŠAN-bu-ni-ia
Note: PN
ID: 54511569-d837-4ac2-b999-e4e3c7665584

Sign: SU
Reading: SU
Context: I.AD-SU
Note: PN
ID: d496db14-c53e-4274-bdb1-a1bbcad3280f

Sign: AD
Reading: AD
Context: I.AD-SU
Note: PN
ID: 738c8860-aa67-4ec4-95fc-b48358d8aa44

Reading: mil
Context: I.ša-me-e-mil-k[i]
Note: PN
ID: 352aece5-0c3b-4d17-a753-1cfaf11105a3

Sign: E
Reading: e
Context: I.ša-me-e-mil-k[i]
Note: PN
ID: 967c0c8f-1691-45a7-ac57-11733338e6f4

Sign: ME
Reading: me
Context: I.ša-me-e-mil-k[i]
Note: PN
ID: f3d45879-87e4-40c0-b4e3-4c0d1595e6b2