YOS 19 19 |

Place (Region) Ālu-ša-ardāni (Nippur)
Archive Bēl-eṭēri-Šamaš
CDLI no.
Museum Number NBC 6192
Scribe Nabû-tabni-uṣur/Ea-mukīn-apli
Period | Year | Range nB | None | 555 - 1 (BC)
Babylonian Date [Nbn]
Comment to Date None
Ductus normal
Text Type Promissory note
Content Silver
Distinctive Protagonists
Bibliography Jursa, M., 2005, „Das Archiv von Bēl-eṭēri-Šamaš“, in: H.D. Baker und M. Jursa, Approaching the Babylonian Economy. Proceedings of the START Project Symposium Held in Vienna, 1-3 July 2004. Veröffentlichungen zur Wirtschaftsgeschichte im 1. Jahrtausend v. Chr. (= AOAT 330), Münster: Ugarit-Verlag, 2005, 197-268. |

12 Glyphs

Sign: ARAD
Reading: ÌR
Context: URU-šá-LÚ.ÌR.M[EŠ]
Note: GN
ID: 0a40fca7-5244-4d8b-8e36-013844c56f12

Context: URU-šá-LÚ.ÌR.M[EŠ]
Note: GN
ID: 3a801cc0-49bb-430e-9242-90007be7f062

Sign: GAG
Context: I.d+AG-DÙ-U[RÙ]
ID: a812aefc-6ed6-48d0-8e3c-5c2b1d1d6800

Sign: AG
Reading: AG
Context: I.d+AG-DÙ-U[RÙ]
Note: ligature of AN and AG
ID: 1bdf9652-6f1c-494c-bf2e-ed9e9f68dc58

Sign: LI
Reading: li
Context: I.ta-li-m[u?]
Note: PN
ID: 43ce04ce-12d5-4dc5-bcc5-831ba03c34b4

Sign: TA
Reading: ta
Context: I.ta-li-m[u?]
Note: PN
ID: c26b2853-d6fb-4be9-9d3b-45deb5e85efa

Sign: UN
Reading: un
Context: I.d+AG-MU-GAR-un
Note: PN
ID: 275a7d96-e8eb-4a08-b8d9-2818df48ebab

Sign: ŠÁ
Reading: GAR
Context: I.d+AG-MU-GAR-un
Note: PN
ID: 42c2fc5e-bf8e-44ab-acb0-c0cc4d24d2a2

Sign: DIN
Reading: din
Context: i-nam-din
ID: ca5ff12e-b826-4f75-b2dc-fef5e15dff48

Sign: NAM
Reading: nam
Context: i-nam-din
ID: ac937ea6-3ca5-490a-9390-1162eddc650d

Sign: HI
Reading: hi
Context: ina muh-hi
ID: 77faea40-b878-46f6-865b-83eddfe71b59

Sign: UGU
Reading: muh
Context: ina muh-hi
ID: 6b0da3d0-0979-4bf0-a642-89d401c51fe0