BM 74626 |

Place (Region) Bīt-Ṣilla (Sippar)
Archive Iššar-tarībi
CDLI no.
Museum Number BM 74626
Scribe Balāṭu/Mušallim-Marduk
Period | Year | Range Ach | 499 | 499 - 499 (BC)
Babylonian Date Dar23-VIII-05
Comment to Date None
Ductus normal
Text Type Receipt
Content Iššar-tarībi acquires caps (karballatu) outstanding, forty pieces for four shekel of silver
Distinctive Protagonists

14 Glyphs

Sign: EN
Reading: EN
Context: d+EN
Note: PN
ID: 62471112-82b6-4e27-b305-6621814f3620

Sign: KAB
Reading: kab
Context: kab-ti
Note: PN
ID: 02e7201c-5964-4ef0-86a1-5830093a9c52

Sign: É
Reading: É
Context: URU.É-Sil-la
Note: GN
ID: 560f8887-8967-48fa-bcc6-c65177f709b4

Sign: KAM
Reading: KAM
Context: MU x.KAM
Note: determinativ
ID: 5f68e827-10c3-4f56-beba-6477508b66ac

Sign: URU
Reading: URU
Context: URU
Note: determinativ
ID: b054a93c-d828-4cee-87ba-0644bc6a9760

Sign: ID
Reading: id
Context: id
Note: PN
ID: 62c2308b-e7ed-4306-9725-0b221ff75ec9

Sign: Ù
Reading: ù
Context: ù
ID: 62c47c4a-473c-4aa2-9fcb-01463ef896f2

Sign: DIR
Reading: thir
Context: e-thir-ru
ID: 9927428d-64e8-4d35-a7e3-1803264891aa

Sign: RU
Reading: ru
Context: e-thir-ru
ID: 1ac4a5ef-fb18-4082-9531-dff8476d546b

Sign: BA
Reading: ba
Context: ka-ra-ba-tu4
ID: b785dc9f-6b83-445c-be13-882b748da2c3

Sign: RA
Reading: ra
Context: ka-ra-ba-tu4
ID: 824c8e72-0e52-4044-8903-df03949d474c

Sign: LU
Reading: lu
Context: I.Gi-mil-lu
Note: PN
ID: 88b23f87-ae2b-4157-a1ba-bba9e25e6c55

Sign: GI
Reading: gi
Context: gi
Note: PN; first wedges of the ensuing sign 'mil' visible
ID: 192b0d18-14e8-48df-aed2-1081772066c9

Sign: TA
Reading: ta
Context: I.LUGAL-ta-ri-bi
Note: PN
ID: 549e09ae-0859-42a6-b4b8-5124c1117770