YOS 19 34 |

Place (Region) Ālu-ša-ikkarāti (Nippur)
Archive Bēl-eṭēri-Šamaš
CDLI no.
Museum Number NBC 6233
Scribe Eanna-iddin/Nabû-ahu-iddin
Period | Year | Range nB | 545 | 545 - 545 (BC)
Babylonian Date Nbn10-XI-10
Comment to Date None
Ductus normal
Text Type Promissory note
Content Barley owed by Bēl-eṭēri-Šamaš to a royal estate
Distinctive Protagonists
Bibliography Jursa, M., 2005, „Das Archiv von Bēl-eṭēri-Šamaš“, in: H.D. Baker und M. Jursa, Approaching the Babylonian Economy. Proceedings of the START Project Symposium Held in Vienna, 1-3 July 2004. Veröffentlichungen zur Wirtschaftsgeschichte im 1. Jahrtausend v. Chr. (= AOAT 330), Münster: Ugarit-Verlag, 2005, 197-268. |

8 Glyphs

Sign: ÁŠ
Reading: ZÍZ
Context: ITU.ZÍZ
ID: 853d94c6-5d37-4ccc-a43d-a50d37312ac8

Sign: APIN
Reading: ENGAR
Context: URU-šá-LÚ.ENGAR.MEŠ
Note: GN
ID: 0d847546-5453-45dd-8368-d7e14574871c

Sign: É
Reading: É
Context: I.É.AN.NA-MU
Note: PN
ID: 4a60f44b-1155-45a1-bf30-8c7a78fc8eae

Sign: ŠID
Reading: UMBISAG
Context: [L]Ú.UMBISAG
ID: 94dfa8b1-298d-4e3c-951f-a180dac87a6b

Sign: URU
Reading: URU
Context: ina URU-šá-LÚ.ÌR.MEŠ
Note: GN
ID: b2372793-35a8-49f2-8e24-6fc81d7216de

Sign: A
Reading: a4
Context: ŠE.BAR a4 60+5 GUR
Note: A and AN
ID: 6053053e-0f8f-48c8-8540-c8952459af2e

Sign: QU
Reading: qu
Context: [I.d].za-ri-qu-KAM
Note: PN
ID: 586300da-2117-4bf9-abf2-01458048c2cb

Sign: RI
Reading: ri
Context: [I.d].za-ri-qu-KAM
Note: PN
ID: d8689ebf-b692-4f5c-a8d2-f01bc5ec76a3