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Total results: 156

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Tablet ID Period Place Text Type Number of Glyphs
NCBT 524 3 Ach Uruk Jurisdiction 49
BIN 1 134 6 EnB Uruk Account text 13
NCBT 0332 10 nB Uruk Account text 12
BRM 2 19 11 Sel Uruk Sale of a prebend 37
GC 1 129 12 nB Uruk Account text 9
BRM 2 15 15 Sel Uruk Sale of a prebend 15
JCS 36 8 17 EnB Uruk Sale of fields and orchards 75
BRM 2 13 18 Sel Uruk Sale of a prebend 16
BRM 2 11 20 Sel Uruk Sale of a prebend 18
NCBT 564 25 nB Uruk Account text 8
GC 1 112 31 nB Uruk Account text 10
GC 1 111 32 nB Uruk Account text 8
NCBT 754 33 nB Uruk Account text 15
NCBT 873 34 nB Uruk Promissory note 21
YBC 3406 36 nB Uruk Account text 6
YOS 6 64 37 nB Uruk Jurisdiction 41
YOS 7 129 38 Ach Uruk Promissory note 25
YOS 21 204 42 Ach Uruk Promissory note 3
NCBT 0085 48 nB Uruk Account text 5
NCBT 558 57 Ach Uruk Letter 18
YOS 20 24 58 Sel Uruk Sale of a prebend 31
YBC 4047 72 EnB Uruk Promissory note 58
YOS 19 279 76 nB Uruk Account text 7
YOS 17 302 78 Par Uruk Lease contract 14
YBC 3530 82 nB Uruk Account text 43