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Total results: 667

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Tablet ID Period Place Text Type Number of Glyphs
364 0
BM 77839 384 Ach Account text 27
Achaemenid History XV n. 41 503 Ach Receipt 12
BM 30248 640 7
Nbn 287 644 nB Promissory note 40
Nbn 700 646 nB 48
Ner 43 654 nB Promissory note 10
Ner 69 655 nB Promissory note 32
Nbn 103 656 nB Promissory note 37
Camb 215 658 Ach Gift 27
BM 30428 665 Ach Slave sale 18
AM 28 666 nB Promissory note 4
Nbn 722 668 nB Receipt 49
Cyr 224 670 Ach Receipt 4
BM 31975 681 0
NBC 6230 9 Ach Receipt 8
NBC 6134 22 Ach Promissory note 8
NBC 6240 27 Ach 9
BM 50404 28 nB List 30
BM 79103 30 Ach Promissory note 14
BM 50509 35 nB Account text 10
YOS 21 206 44 Ach 8
BM 42356+ 45 Ach Receipt 9
BM 42371 51 Ach Rental agreement (fields/orchards) 3
BM 64240 53 Ach Slave sale 20